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September 30, 2013

The PINcentive Blog Hop: Week 5

PLEASE NOTE: The PINcentive Blog Hop week 6 will resume on October 15th!  Mark your calendar; you don’t want to miss out!  We’ll be choosing 4 winners, one of which will receive a special surprise in addition to being featured, having their content pinned a minimum of 31 times, co-hosting our next hop, and priority seating!

September 27, 2013

Pumpkin apple pecan waffles!

Living in the Dominican Republic has many summertime perks. We don't do summertime sadness here because, well, it's always summer. You can go to the beach in the middle of January and not freeze your patoots off. It's a nice change for this January baby to be able to plan a birthday that will not be cancelled due to the looming and fast approaching winter snowstorm of the century. Buuuuut, with an eternal summer comes an extinct autumn. I've got that autumn-time sadness. So because the Dominican Republic won't give me fall, I've got to go get her. This past weekend, for our family breakfasts, I decided to make pumpkin apple pecan waffles. We purchased a waffle maker from another abroad teacher moving to Bangladesh, so I was super thrilled to use our new to us waffle maker for my fall recipe.

September 25, 2013

Co-hosting, sponsoring, and guest blogging; oh my!

If you’ve been tuning in daily, you know the blogger opportunities keep on coming!  Today I have an additional 2 for you! 

I’m currently looking for cohosts and sponsors for a giveaway I’d like to run once a month.  The minimum prize being a $100 virtual gift card! 



Why a virtual gift card? 
Being that they are electronic, they can be emailed to the recipient and retrieved almost instantly! They can also be used for online and over the phone purchases anywhere VISA or American Express is accepted within the U.S.!  Also, with virtual gift cards, funds do not expire and there are no hidden inactivity or other post-purchase fees. 

September 24, 2013

10 Tips for Surviving a Hospital Stay

It dawned on me, sitting across from my husband, that I had an excellent medical resource right at my fingertips. I think my eyes were bulging out of my head in shock that it had taken me this long to ask him to post for me.  I was certain he would have some very valuable information for my readers considering his credentials.  He has a  bachelor’s degree in nursing and is currently hitting the books to acquire his master’s in nursing informatics.  Did I mention he is also a certified registered nurse in infusion therapy, was a previous IV peripherally inserted central catheter specialist, and most currently is the manager for IV therapy and infusion services for two reputable hospitals?  Can you tell I’m a little proud?

So, what could he write about that would appeal to my readers?  Just when I thought it was going to be a long night of brainstorming, my husband, Bob, suggested tips for surviving a hospital stay. 

September 23, 2013

The PINcentive Blog Hop: Week 4

WELCOME to the fourth week of The PINcentive Blog Hop!  I think a big THANK YOU is in order to everyone that has been linking up.  More so for making it EXTREMLY difficult for our co-hosts to choose winners each week and providing us with such great recipes, crafts, tips, parenting advice, tutorials, (you name it)!  Your content has truly been a pleasure to read!

If this is your first time linking up; WELCOME!  I am extremely excited to provide this link up for you today and the opportunity for you to increase your traffic, followers, and improve your page rank! 


Each week, 3 winners will be chosen by our cohosts.  As a winner, you will be featured and, your content will be pinned a minimum of 31 times by my Pinterest Incentive Program (PIP) team members below.  Additionally your content will be pinned by the following week’s blog hop participants!  That’s right; blog hop participants will be required to pin the winner’s content.  The number of link ups we have will determine the total number of times your content gets pinned so, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SPREAD THE WORD!  It will only benefit you in the long run!  Also, as a winner, you’ll have the opportunity to co-host our next Blog Hop and choose our winners!  Blog hop code will be provided to all Co-hosts on Monday morning.  This will give everyone ample time to draft their post and, if necessary, troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

September 19, 2013

HUGE Blogger Opportunity

If you frequent my website, you are probably familiar with The PINcentive Blog Hop and how it works!  If not, here is a brief description so you can familiarize yourself with it:

Our blog hop runs on a weekly basis (every Tuesday).  Each week, 3 winners are chosen by our cohosts.  Winners get their content featured and pinned a minimum of 31 times by my Pinterest Incentive Program (PIP) team members. 

That’s right, I have a team of 30 people doing some serious pinning for me! Or I did.  Unfortunately, we’ve hit a tiny bump in the road and I am currently looking to replace a handful of members.  With that said, I’d like to extend this opportunity to all of YOU!

September 17, 2013

Easy Banana Coconut Mini Muffins and Giveaway!

I don’t know what it is about me, but I could never pass up a banana muffin, bread, cake, etc.  Banana anything really!  With my mom always making banana bread growing up, I was sort of doomed from the start.  I guess the banana and I were meant to be!  And the apple, or should I say banana, didn’t fall far from the tree as it pertains to my little one, Aliva.  Like her mama, she loves bananas as well!  She must have gobbled up 2 banana coconut mini muffins in a matter of 10 minutes!  Just to give you an idea, it takes her a good 45 minutes, or so, to eat lunch.

September 16, 2013

The PINcentive Blog Hop: Week 3

WELCOME to the third week of The PINcentive Blog Hop!  I think a big THANK YOU is in order to everyone that has been linking up.  More so for making it EXTREMLY difficult for our co-hosts to choose winners each week and providing us with such great recipes, crafts, tips, parenting advice, tutorials, (you name it)!  Your content has truly been a pleasure to read!

If this is your first time linking up; WELCOME!  I am extremely excited to provide this link up for you today and the opportunity for you to increase your traffic, followers, and improve your page rank! 


Each week, 3 winners will be chosen by our cohosts.  As a winner, you will be featured and, your content will be pinned a minimum of 31 times by my Pinterest Incentive Program (PIP) team members below.  Additionally your content will be pinned by the following week’s blog hop participants!  That’s right; blog hop participants will be required to pin the winner’s content.  The number of link ups we have will determine the total number of times your content gets pinned so, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SPREAD THE WORD!  It will only benefit you in the long run!  Also, as a winner, you’ll have the opportunity to co-host our next Blog Hop and choose our winners!  Blog hop code will be provided to all Co-hosts on Monday morning.  This will give everyone ample time to draft their post and, if necessary, troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

September 13, 2013

Parenting with Parents

I have an excellent blog recommendation for you today.  Parenting with Parents is a blog dedicated to the many adventures that occur while raising 3 children under the age of 6 in a house with your in-laws.  It is also about recovering and living with depression.  You can find everything on this website from hilarious family stories and product reviews to tips on keeping a very full house running smoothly.  What I love most about Parenting with Parents is Andrea’s Giveaways for a cause which I’ve co-hosted in the past.  Entrants are required to visit the cause of the week in hopes to spread awareness! 

September 12, 2013

The many uses of the Origami box - make one yourself!

If you’re a regular over here at Cropped Stories, I bet you read my post title and are thinking this is random.  Yes, it is unlike the usual topics I cover over here, but I felt the need to share something creative and artsy with you today!  With that said, I have a little secret to tell you… 

I like to dabble in the creative world of Origami.  In fact, I published a post in August of last year, Getting my craft on, showing off some of my work.  I was so excited with my creations that I had to share them with my readers!  And being that it was my first attempt at the craft, I was  especially proud of myself!  I was surprised how addicting it was and have been doing it sporadically throughout the year.  When I first started, I was addicted to making pinwheels and flowers.  They were the perfect party décor for my toddler’s 2nd birthday!

September 11, 2013

Establishing a Writing Style for your Blog

Ever notice the differences in writing from one blog author to another?  Are they informal, creative, literal, dramatized, structured, outside the standard method of documentation otherwise known as APA format?  

As an author, have you asked yourself what writing style is suitable for blogging and appeals to readers most?  It’s a great question to ponder especially if you haven’t established your own personal style of writing yet.

September 9, 2013

The PINcentive Blog Hop: Week 2

WELCOME to the second week of The PINcentive Blog Hop!  I am extremely excited to provide this link up for you today and the opportunity for you to increase your traffic, followers, and improve your page rank!  With that said, I look forward to partying with you on  a weekly basis! 


Each week, 3 winners will be chosen by our cohosts.  As a winner, you will be featured and, your content will be pinned a minimum of 31 times by my Pinterest Incentive Program (PIP) team members below.  Additionally your content will be pinned by the following week’s blog hop participants!  That’s right; blog hop participants will be required to pin the winner’s content.  The number of link ups we have will determine the total number of times your content gets pinned so, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SPREAD THE WORD!  It will only benefit you in the long run!  Also, as a winner, you’ll have the opportunity to co-host our next Blog Hop and choose our winners!  Blog hop code will be provided to all Co-hosts on Sunday evening.  This will give everyone ample time to draft their post and, if necessary, troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

Adding and Customizing the Pin It Hover Button

In case you aren’t familiar with the Pin It Hover Button, it is a Pinterest icon that appears when you hover over an image on a website allowing you to click on it and pin.  Why is it fantastic?  Well, for one thing, it’s very convenient for your visitors.  It prevents them from having to go directly to Pinterest and click on the add a pin option and past the URL of the content they want to pin.  Secondly, it’s customizable which means you can create the icon yourself to keep it consistent with the design of your website.  Are you sold yet?

September 4, 2013

Looking for Blog Help or Design Services?

What can I say about Janine?  Do you know Janine, the woman behind J9 Designs?  If you are not familiar with her work, I highly recommend checking out her design services.  She provides services for everything including troubleshooting, blog design, migration, transfers, and in case that weren’t enough, she even offers blog support.  Her prices are very competitive, and her dedication to her clients is impeccable!  Don’t take my word for it though; just read some of her testimonials!  You can also find great blogging and design tips and tutorials on her website like her most current post, NoFollow Links-Wordpress Widget That Rock.  So, what do you think?  Would you like to get to know her better?

September 2, 2013

The PINcentive Blog Hop: Week 1 (it’s finally here)!!!

WELCOME to the first week of The PINcentive Blog Hop!  I am extremely excited to provide this link up for you today and the opportunity for you to increase your traffic, followers, and improve your page rank!  With that said, I look forward to partying with you on  a weekly basis! 


Each week, 3 winners will be chosen by our co-hosts.  As a winner, you will be featured, and your content will be pinned a minimum of 31 times by my Pinterest Incentive Program team members below.  Additionally your content will be pinned by the following week’s blog hop participants!  That’s right; blog hop participants will be required to pin the winner’s content.  The number of link ups we have will determine the total number of times your content gets pinned so PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SPREAD THE WORD!  It will only benefit you in the long run!  Also, as a winner, you’ll have the opportunity to co-host our next Blog Hop and choose our winners!  Blog hop code will be provided to all Co-hosts on Sunday evening.  This will give everyone ample time to draft their post and, if necessary, troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

September 1, 2013

Enter our Giveaway for a chance to win $500!

Yep, you read the post title right!  We sure are giving away $500 to one LUCKY winner!  And all because of the one year BLOGIVERSARY of A Peek into my Paradise!  It has been 1 year since Cathy’s first blog post went live!  How exciting is that?!  I’m just so excited to be a part of the celebration! 

So, I’ve got a pretty serious question for you.  Now I could think of a million things I would buy with $500, but what I really want to know is:


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