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About Me

The Sunday Sip

My name is Elena and I am fortunate to be a stay at home mom.  My husband is not only the love of my life but, as a bonus, is an excellent provider as well. 

With that said, I was able to start this blog with the birth of my first child, Alivia.  From the moment I laid eyes on her, I was completely in love.  All I wanted to do was look at her.  I was mesmerized!  Almost immediately, I got into photography.  Once I picked up a camera, that was it!  I found myself frequently attached to the view finder in search of my next shot.  And why not?  I had the most adorable subject in the world!  No, I'm not biased or anything.  

Before Alivia, I worked from home as a Quality Assurance Representative for IBM.  Working from home definitely came with its perks but nobody really prepared me for what could and eventually did happen.  With everything being so convenient and right at your finger tips, it was easy to convince yourself to do things of this nature:

- sending one last email out even if it was past five (until one email would become two, two would become four, four became six, etc.),
- breaking plans to join a last minute conference call that would start at 5 minutes to five, or 
- taking one more contract review request to get a head start for the next morning.  

The next thing I knew I was working through breaks, lunches, Friday nights, an hour here on Saturday and hour there on Sunday, etc.  What 40 hours?  I was doing easily around 60 hours some weeks!  Since work was so busy and time consuming, I had no real hobbies or interests which was very disappointing to a once artistically creative person.  Through the years I had lost all faith in my artistic abilities and it saddened me.  I thank Alivia as she was my inspiration to get back into the things I once loved!  These days I find myself happy and definitely more complete.

Initially I had started this blog with a focus around photography but it wasn't long before I branched out.  Now, you can find content like:

  • photography tips, tutorials (video and written), and resources
  • product recommendations
  • blogging tips/advice
  • parenting tips
  • consumer information
  • family updates
  • ramblings of motherhood
  • link ups
  • recipes
  • Intermittent Exotropia (a condition Alivia has been diagnosed with) information/resources
  • freebies such as storyboard/collage templates, frames, borders, printables, etc.

On an ending note, I hope you've gotten a better idea of who I am and what you can find here on on my little bloggy site!  Feel free to get comfortable, grab a cup of coffee or tea, kick up your feet, and have some fun looking around!  You may want to start with my pages at the top of my site just under my blog header or with the popular posts in my sidebar.  

Most importantly, STALKERS are WELCOME!  You can find links to all my social networks in my sidebar.  Please DO leave a comment, I absolutely love returning the favor with follow backs!

Additionally, I love each and every comment I receive on my blog.  You will find I respond to almost every comment I receive assuming your email address is not blocked and you are not marked as no-reply.  

Lastly, thank you in advance for visiting my site!  I truly appreciate your interest!

Need to contact me?  No problem.  Please feel free to complete the following form.

Alternatively, you can email me at croppedstories@gmail.com.

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