July 2, 2013

Easy to make Candied Teriyaki Chicken Wings!

Do you guys like chicken wings?  I sure hope so because I’ve got the best chicken wing recipe for you today!  And although it’s a cavity waiting to happen (you’ll see why), on the flip side it’s easy, quick, and finger lickin’ good!  These wings have always been a BIG hit at any event!  The trick, of course, is to cook them long enough so that the meat falls off the bone.  My hand written recipe is titled “Mom’s Chicken Wings” so I’m assuming it is in fact my moms, but I swear the first time I tried these was at my brother’s house when his ex wife made them years and years ago.  I actually mentioned this to my mom and it seemed like she wasn’t sure herself that’s why I don’t feel bad telling you all.  Of course, whatever the case may be, one thing I know for sure is that they are in a word “AWESOME”!  Oh, and addicting too!  Definitely addicting!

If you can believe it, we’ve gone through the years calling them “Mom’s Chicken Wings” but if you ask me, that doesn’t really describe them very well!  So today I name them!


Candied Terriyaki Chicken Wing Recipe

PREP TIME: 5 minutes (marinate over night)
COOK TIME: 2 hours

5 lbs. chicken wings (have your butcher cut the tips off)
1 cup of white sugar
1 cup of light brown sugar
1 12 oz. bottle of Kikkoman Teriyaki Baste and Glaze
Garlic Powder (eyeball it)

Put chicken wings in a roasting pan.  In a bowl mix together both sugars, the terriyaki baste and glaze, and garlic powder until smooth.  Pour over the chicken wings.  Stir the chicken wings generously.  You want the sauce to cover them well!  Cover with foil and put in refrigerator over night.  You’ll want to stir them every two to three hours until you go to bed.

In the morning, give them a another stir.  Bake in oven on bottom rack at 325 degrees UNCOVERED for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.  I usually cook them the entire 2 hours. 

Lastly, ENJOY and don’t forget to invite me over!  I’ll bring dessert!

Candied Terriyaki Chicken Wing Recipe

*Digital art courtesy of The Coffeeshop Blog

If you missed my previous post (yep, another yummy recipe), Classic Pizzelles (a recipe you’re sure to love)!, feel free to check it out!  Also, I’d love for you to drop me a comment if you try one of these recipes! 

Before I let you go, don’t forget to stop by later during the week!  I’ll be co-hosting the Happy Aloha Friday Blog Hop!  Hope to see you there!

Okay, catch you all later!


  1. Yummy! This recipe looks great! I am following you via bloglovin' now as well!! Have a great day!

  2. Two cups of sugar!? Sign me up! I think they look delicious. I think it's officially lunchtime for me now.

  3. Yum! This certainly makes me want to get wings tonight! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Elena! I'm following you on G+ now too!

  4. Another great recipe! We are big win fans, so this is a definite must try!!

  5. Mmm ... Elena you are a mama after my own heart! I love chicken wings and I love teriyaki so YES PLEASE...!
    Mail order, right?? LOL

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  6. Yay I'm a chicken fan! My mum cooks chicken wings with her super secret recipe but I'd stole it one day & publish it on my blog! :)x

  7. I have made chicken wings in so long, these look great!

  8. Those look delicious! I love wings but have never attempted to make them! Thanks for linking up with Pin It! Tuesday1

  9. Those look so great!!! Thanks for linking them up with LOBS! I am pinning them now!!

  10. Always love visiting to see what I'll be trying next!! Mmm... Thanks so much for sharing this with us at One Sharendipity Place this weekend! We've already got it pinned! :)

    Sue @thet2women.com

  11. This looks amazing. I love that the prep time is so short! That's my kind of dinner! Thanks for linking up at the Pin It Proudly link party last week. I can't wait to see what you link up this week.
