July 3, 2013

Ad space finally available!

It’s official, Ad space on Cropped Stories is finally available!  And I’m super EXCITED to be able to offer them to you today!  I have a total of 13 spots available!  Since I’m so happy, I felt the need to do a little celebrating.  With that said, I’m running a 30% off promotion when you use the word CELEBRATING (in all CAPS) to the first 13 people who purchase ad space!  So go ahead and take advantage!  For more information, feel free to check out my Advertise page.



Curious as to what’s included?  I would be too!  With your purchase, your ad will run for 30 days.  It will be rotated with additional advertisements for maximum and fair exposure.  It includes introductory post mentions, group mentions, social media shares, and pins of your choice!  All content/products you choose for me to promote will be pinned directly from the source (YOUR WEBSITE) so people will be directed back to YOU and not me! 

Additionally, my blog statistics are improving every week and my following (“THANK YOU” to all my readers/followers/interested parties) is growing at a steady rate!  You may be interested to know my combined average of new followers per week is around 200 – 250 so you can expect your ad to be seen by many!  Also, as an advertiser on my website, I hope you will find comfort in knowing that my SEO (Search Engine Optimization) studies will and have been an ongoing effort to improve my statistics and page rank even further.  

What can you expect on Cropped Stories in the near future?  Great question.  I hope to have a Blog Hop rolled out by the end of the Summer in addition to my first ever giveaway!  Yep, you can definitely expect to see some exciting stuff happening over here so I hope you’ll stay tuned!  What does this mean for you as an advertiser on my website?  Hmmmm, let’s see.  How about more traffic, exposure, priority seating for my Blog Hop and a chance to win some great gifts?  Sound good?

Want to advertise on Cropped Stories but don’t have a button?  No need to worry.  I’d be happy to help you design one.  I have enough experience with graphic design to be able to whip something up!  Feel free to drop me an email at croppedstories@gmail.com.

On a final note, don’t forget to stop by Thursday evening/Friday morning for the Happy Aloha Friday Blog Hop I’ll be co-hosting!  I hope you’ll party with us ‘cause we’d love to have you!

Also, if you missed my previous post, Easy to make Candied Teriyaki Chicken Wings, be sure to check it out!  I wouldn’t want you to miss out on a fabulous recipe!


  1. Oh totally love that you are doing advertising and will definitely take a look!! :)

  2. Sounds like a lot of good perks - good for you!

  3. Very cool! Thank you for spreading JOY and sharing at the Oh What a HAPPY Day party.

    Holly at Not Done Growing

  4. Hi! I love your style and wanted to be one of the first to advertise with you. I feel like a "big girl" now :).
