June 30, 2013

Classic Pizzelles (a recipe you’re sure to love)!

In case you are unfamiliar with the name, they are Italian waffle cookies you make with a Pizzelle baker and they are absolutely delicious!  They can be made with either anise, vanilla, and even cocoa.  Our family prefers vanilla and there’s no one better at making them than my mom!  As I’m drafting this post, I’m asking my mom for tips.  Without hesitance, she answers “be sure to use Land O Lakes margarine”!  Other margarines apparently don’t measure up and the cookies will not come out nearly as good.  Another tip is to make sure the margarine is cooled before adding it to the mixture (as I’m typing this, my mom is saying “make sure you bold the word cooled under the directions”)!  Okay mom, will do!  I’ll even put it in CAPS just for you!  I got to make mom happy otherwise I won’t get any cookies.



Skill level: Intermediate
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes

6 eggs
3 1/2 cups flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
2 Tbsp. vanilla or anise
1 cup margarine, melted (do not use more or substitute oil)
4 Tsp. baking powder

Beat eggs, adding sugar gradually. Beat until smooth.
Add COOLED margarine and vanilla or anise.
Sift flour and baking powder.
Blend into egg mixture until smooth. Dough will be sticky enough to be dropped by spoon.
Bake in Pizzelle Baker. Makes approximately 60 Pizzelles.


Don’t own a Pizzelle maker?  No worries, I did some research for you online!  My mom owns the VillaWare Pizzella Baker but unfortunately you can’t really find that one anymore unless you want to pay over $250 on Amazon (say what)?!  An alternative, that just happened to get great reviews, is the CucinaPro Pizzelle Baker also sold on Amazon for only $42.72! 

Okay, that’s all I have for you today!  If you end up making them, I’d love to hear how they come out.  Feel free to drop me a comment!

If you missed my previous post, Free 4th of July Storyboard/Collage (holds 12 photos), I hope you’ll check it out and download yours now!


  1. I love Pizzelles and my mom used to make them too when I was a kid. She had and still has the maker. And at my bridal shower before we got married, my aunt actually gifted me a small one. Love it and have used it myself a few times over the years. I pinned your recipe to try though and thank you for sharing!!

  2. My ex's mom use to make these. Oh they're so good!

  3. I've actually never had pizzelles before but these look really good! There is an Italian market by me that sells them and I will have to pick them up. I love that they are so pretty looking...they would look so cute on a dessert table!

  4. You are so well rounded! Writing, photography, design, baking...etc. I love pizzelles! My very Italian friend introduced me to them last New Year's Eve and she brings them to me often. I wonder if I should attempt this..

  5. I've never had Pizzelles, but you sure do make me want to try them! Thanks, I'll have to pass this recipe down to my daughters. I'm glad I found your blog via bloglovin' :)

    Off to pin it! ...

  6. We are a big pizzelle family too - when each of us moves out of the house, we get a pizzelle iron on our first Christmas in our new place - already seasoned and ready to use! I am not a anise fan and am still working to perfect our chocolate (cocoa) pizzelle :)

  7. Those look really good! Thanks so much for stopping by This Momma's Ramblings and linking up with us for This Momma's Meandering Mondays! Have an awesome week!

  8. Ah! I love pizzelle's! It's totally our family post-Thanksgiving tradition to make these!

  9. Looks good :) Returning the follows, thanks!

  10. These are beautiful and look so delicious! I remember that when I was growing up, one of my mom's cookbooks had a recipe for these and I always wanted to make them. Maybe now's the time to finally buy a pizzelle maker! Thanks for visiting my site...I'll be back to check out more of yours. :)

  11. these look so pretty and lots of fun to make! thanks for sharing, i'll have to give it a try someday and link back to you. new follower :)

  12. I've never had these, but they look super duper delish!

  13. I've never had these before, but they look super duper delish!

  14. Hi, these look so good! Thanks for stopping by my blog for the Blog Lovin' Hop. Got ya back! lol

  15. those look lovely! now, i need to find just the right occassion so i can justify purchasing another kitchen appliance :)

  16. Your post will be featured this weekend at One Sharendipity Place!! Have a great holiday!!

    sue @thet2women.com

  17. Wow! Those are really nice. Oh the fun gadgets we can buy! Thanks again for linking up with Pin It Tuesday!
