June 27, 2013

Free 4th of July Storyboard/Collage Template (holds 12 photos)

Are you guys getting ready for the 4th of July?  Or should I say getting the camera ready?  I don’t know about you but I’m the type of person that can’t let a holiday pass without snapping some pictures (even if they are only taken with my phone camera)!  And since holidays make such perfect photo opportunities; you’ll definitely find me behind the lens!  There are so many amazing moments to capture.  Whether they be of family and friends you haven’t seen in awhile, your Aunts homemade ice cream, patriotic tablescapes you’ve strategically designed, water activities like sprinklers/pools/slip-n-slides, little ones running around in diapers and bare feet, a volleyball or badminton tournament, a hula hoop competition, etc.; you’re sure to catch some great expressions like smiles, laughs, giggles, maybe even happy tears?  Have I painted a pretty enough picture?  No?  Let me fast forward to the evening then.  How about glow sticks, sparklers, cracker snaps, and FIREWORKS?  Sharing some champagne with your significant other under a glowing sky?  Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!  I’m getting myself all fired up for the holiday (pun intended)! 


With that said, I created a 2013 4th of July photo template to hold all your special memories of the day!  It’s an 850 px wide .psd file that can be opened in either Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.  If you are not familiar with my photo templates, they are very simple to use.  Once you open the file, you’ll want to navigate to your layers toolbox (usually to the right on your workspace).  Find the folder that reads “CIRCLE FRAMES(it is the top folder).  Click on the little arrow head icon to open it up.  You will see a set of circle frames and layers (highlighted red) that read “PLACE YOUR PHOTO HERE”.  With the PLACE YOUR PHOTO HERE layer selected, go to File / Place to find an image from your computer files.  Once you’ve found one, click on the Place button!  Lastly, you’ll need to resize your image to fit the circle frame.  And that’s it!  Easy enough right?

Did I mention, this template would be perfect for Instagram photos as well?

Free 4th of July Storyboard Collage Template

850 px wide .psd file for Photoshop or Photoshop PSE

Free 4th of July Storyboard Collage Template

Digital papers courtesy of The Coffeeshop Blog

If you missed my previous post, What are your children doing to drive you nuts, feel free to check it out!  Oh and don’t feel bad about laughing at my misery!  I do.  ‘Cause you know that old saying “sometimes you have to laugh or you might just cry”?  That couldn’t be more true!


  1. Hey girlie! Thanks so much for your comment on my blog, and I am so excited to follow yours! Your email address wasn't attached to your account, so I couldn't respond to your comment, but happy Thursday!!


  2. Oh I love this and have pinned to take a better look at when I have a few quiet moments. Thank you so much!! :)

  3. This will be perfect for the next Ladies Only Blog Share (a week from today/tomorrow) It will be July 4th themed! And how generous of you to share the beautiful file!

    You're right - holidays are perfect opportunities to take photos.

  4. What a nice collage! Going to download it. Thanks so much!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog on the blog hop and sending me an invite! I am returning the favor and following you as well!
    I love the picture frame!
    The Adored Home

  6. This is such a great printable, I can't wait to use it! It will be perfect for sending pix to family that lives far away! Thanks!!

  7. Hi Elena, you are our featured blogger at Breaking Rules Party#11. Please stop by when you get the chance. See you at the hop :)

    Pursuit Of Functional Home

  8. the storyboard looks great, lovely way to keep your memories!

  9. Love the printable! Your daughter is just adorable :)

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog! I am now following you via Facebook and Bloglovin :)
    And also thanks so much for this printable!!

    Melani @ magsbeadscreation.com

  11. Hi Elena, very nice pictures. You left a comment on my blog about your Facebook page. I "Liked" your page with my personal FB page Vashti Q. Thank you for stopping by.

    All the best,


  12. Hey there... I got a chance to stop by and get a gift! thanks a bunch!

  13. This is so cute! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thanks for linking up - this is a really cute idea!

  15. I love that you linked this up with me and SunnySoirees! It is a great template and I love storyboards!
