June 15, 2012

A shout out

I feel the need to discuss something VERY important!  Every day my blog followers grow and my posts are receiving more comments which is super exciting to say the least! Seriously, I love every single comment that I receive!  What’s most exciting, though, is to know that I am actually posting content that is interesting to all of you!  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!  So, where am I going with this?  Good question!  In addition to leaving all of my commenters comments on their blogging sites (I like to show love too), I wanted to do something a little extra to show my appreciation.  I actually copied and pasted every single comment that I’ve received in 2012 into an Excel spreadsheet then sorted by name to see who my most dedicated followers were.  I wanted to make mention of them in this post! 



to all of my lovely commenters below!
You have no idea how truly appreciated you are!
Any blogger would be lucky to have you as followers!

Melissa Bliss Rich at Serendipity is Sweet

Melanie at Happy Jax

LeiShell at A Correll Collage

Gina at Gigi Marie Photography

Kristin at K.C. Captured

Skye at First Time Mama – First Time Blogger

Becky at Finding my Creativity

Deno at What do all these buttons do

Susan at Forever His

I also wanted to link up the shot below to the following photo challenges.  I love this shot!  Her eyes are just talking to me!  “Isn’t this scarf beautiful on me mama”? 

That would be a BIG “Yes Baby, that scarf IS beautiful on you”!

075 RSWM

  the long road

The next shot was provided by Liz LaBianca Photography for Fix-It Friday over at I Heart Faces.
The challenge is to take this already lovely shot and edit it  Fix-It.
How adorable is this lil’ guy?
Image of boy in a red wagon.  Used with permission on iHeartFaces.com.
Recipe cooked up in PSE:
1.  Brought back the details in the blanket.
2.  Brightened his cute little face and arms (slightly).
3. Used a eye pop action on his eyes.
4.  Sharpened his eyes, nose, and mouth slightly.
5.  Added warmth to the entire pictures except his face and arms.
6.  Adjusted the reds in the wagon (so that it would look more red).
7.  Adjusted the midtone contrast.
8.  Used the spot removal tool to remove some spots on the left hand side of the picture.
8. Resized for web.
Image of boy in a red wagon.  Used with permission on iHeartFaces.com. 


  1. Oh make my heart melt! She is darling with that scarf.

  2. Thank you so much for saying thanks! haha! I knew I commented a lot, but I just found your adorable blog pretty recently...and am always checking back on it. I should also add, that I ONLY add blogs I have interest in, not just a follow me, follow you situation...I want to be interested, and your blog does that. Very sweet picture...the edit in her eyes really draws ya in!

  3. I love the way the curl hits her face it really highlights how sweet her nose is.

  4. Awww how amazing are you that you keep a spreadsheet! Wow! Thanks for mentioning lil' ole' me :) I do love your blog and our girls are so close in age- fun stuff! :) Havea great weekend !

  5. I love that scarf on your little one and her hair falling over her face!! so precious!

  6. Oh, you are so sweet! I love visiting here and seeing your gorgeous pics! Thanks so much friend ;)

  7. Awe, thanks so much for the shout out!!! :0) I love your blog!! I also have to say, that capture is absolutely adorable!!! First of all, those eyes!!! Love those big gorgeous eyes! The look on her face and everything about this shot makes me smile!

  8. Thanks for the mention! Great processing. I have some friends that do children's photos. They could take some lessons.

  9. OH! My sweet girl! I adore ya mama.... biggest thank you right back to you. YOUR sweet words have made my day, many a days! YOU are super duper talented, & the sweetest mommy... plus your little Livvy is DARLING.

    Where to even begin w/ that scarf pic. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. The processing, the look on her sweet face, & don't get me started on that hair! You go Miss Livvy!!

    LOVELY edit! It was already a wonderful capture & you just brought it to life even more. The rich tones are so pretty!


  10. Gahh! I just can't get over how adorable your little one is! Those Eyes!!! That hair!!! So beautiful :)

  11. Thanks for the awesome mention!!!!!! I so appreciate that!!!

    Love her curls w/ the scarf- so adorable!!!!! Hugs to you!!!

  12. Oh My Goodness. That is some crazy cuteness going on! Love love

  13. I know I've said it before, but it bears repeating...
    Your little Alivia is beyond gorgeous.
    I have never seen such amazing eyes on a child.
    So big, and so expressive!

  14. you are like the sweetest person I know!! thank you for the sweet mention! i love reading your blog and seeing your wonderful photos of your adorable little girl! you are amazing!
