June 14, 2012

The Missing Link – Week 10

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Well, it could just be one of the links below. Hence my post title! You may ask yourself "Is she serious?" Well the answer is "No, I'm definitely NOT serious." I'm just feeling silly. Seriously though, I thought I'd share some of my favorite links with you in an effort to spread the love. What's better is that I thought I'd make this post a weekly thang! No that isn't a typo. I told you I was feeling silly. So the links below may not complete your life, but I'm hoping they, in some way, add to it. I separated them into categories for easy navigation. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

1. I bought some of these at the Florida airport and I just love them!  They are hair elastics, but I actually use them as bracelets.  I bought a bunch and wear them stacked! 
2. I’ve been eyeing this bracelet at Brighton.  It’s called the Cape Cod Charm Bracelet.
3. Need a new handbag?  No?  Ah, buy one anyway!  How great is this?  I love the bright orange color!
4. This Cole Haan electronic wristlet is affordable and comes in some beautiful bright summer colors!  Don’t like it?  That’s okay, check this Marc Jacobs one out!
5. I love anything from Fossil, but this is one of my favorite handbags!
6. I love this headband!  I don’t even wear headbands, but I want this one!
7.  This hat is like a piece of art.  Even if I never wore it, I’d have fun just looking at it!

1. I could seriously collect cute mugs.  This mug would definitely be part of my collection!  These too!
2.  I want to open about 10 bags of chips just so I can use and look at these chip clips!  They are just so darn pretty!3. How sweet is this owl pillow?  Look at all those bright colors!  Gorgeous!
4. OMG, this is just beautiful!  Meet the bouncing teapot!

1.  These are awesome!  We bought them for nephew awhile ago and they are so much fun!  I would highly recommend buying two boxes though.  The more pieces you have, the BIGGER the fort!
2. I love this plush turtle!  It would be the perfect addition to any girl’s bedroom!
3. How great is this Batman pool?  Sometimes, I wish I were a kid.  They get the coolest everything!
4. This turtle baby beach wrap with hood is a must for the Summer!  And this one for all of the girls out there!
5. These just look like so much fun!  What kid doesn’t like beach balls?

1. I absolutely love this lunch carrier. It is so cute!
2. I need one of these record players! I love it!
3. I bought the hubby one of these awhile back. It has amazing sound quality for being so small!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my links!  Here is some cuteness to start off your weekend right!

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Love this next shot!  It’s the perfect reminder that her mouth is going 24/7.
Even if she doesn’t know the word for something, she’ll just make one up!
She continues to crack me up!

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I can’t ever get enough profile shots of her!  I am in love with that button nose!

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If you missed my previous ‘The Missing Link’ posts, you can find them HERE!  Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely links, as always! LOVE Fossil too) OMGosh Elena... your pics of your sweet girl are just magical. LOVE that lil nose. You are SO good mama!!
