June 17, 2012

Monday already?

Can’t believe it’s already Monday?  Yeah, me neither!  I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.  Alivia’s cousin, Esterina, turned the BIG 2 in June and we celebrated on Saturday with family!  It was a gorgeous day (a little chilly for June but still gorgeous)!  I snapped some pictures of course only I haven’t processed them with the exception of a few of Alivia which I’ve attached below.  Hopefully I’ll share the rest of Esterina’s birthday party tomorrow (Tuesday).

I’m sorry to leave you with so little to read, but I’m suffering from a toothache.  One (perhaps even more than one) of my fillings fell out awhile ago and I’ve been left with quite a BIG hole in my tooth!  I have a dentist appointment tomorrow that, if you can believe, I am looking forward to VERY much (and I hate the dentist)!  The dentist already canceled on me once so I’ve been dying to get in to have this fixed.  I just pray that I don’t need a root canal now.  I will be a little disappointed to say the least.  That, and friggin’ scared out of my mind!  Keep your fingers crossed for me.  I’m such a BIG baby!

Anyhow, I’m linking up this first shot to Finagle a Foto over at Happy Jax.  The theme is {Celebrate our Father’s}. 

090 RS1

Happy Jax

And I’m linking up the shot below to the Show off your Shot photo challenge over at And then, she {Snapped}.

202 RSWM

and<br /> then, she {snapped}

160 RS


  1. Love those piggie tails! I am already ready for Monday to be over...or, I could use a do-over!

  2. Awe, man! That stinks! I hate to have dental work as well, but I've had 2 root canals and probably need another right now. The issue is the money more than anything. They are so stinkin expesive. Anyhoo, I hope you just need another filling!!! If you do have to have one, I know it's scary, but mine didn't hurt at all and because I have tmj and have issues with keeping my mouth open for long periods of time my dentist sent me to an endodontist (I think that's the word) and it only took him like 30-45 mins to do 2. The most painful part is the chunk of money it costs to get it done and to get crowns. BLAH! Sorry for the book lol... Love the father daughter shot!! Those others are adorable as well!! Love the last one! She's such a cutie!! Great captures!

  3. Oh the flower in her hair- so sweet!

  4. I am with you, I HATE going to the dentist. How dare they cancel on YOU!?? I hope it is easy peasy for you. Love your photos today. Thank you for linking up. What a sweet little girl!

  5. Oh Elena, I sure hope you're feeling better REAL soon.
    I hope it's not a root canal too, but truthfully the cost is more painful than the procedure. :-(
    Love these photographs!

  6. Oh you poor thing! I hate the dentist and your post actually reminds me I am overdue for a visit too! Gorgeous photos of your little girl I especially love the one with her daddy, so sweet!! Hope the dentist goes well hun and you feel much better afterwards :) xo K

  7. I so so so love those piggie tails!
    ♥ Kyna

  8. And I hope your tooth feels better :-(
    ♥ Kyna

  9. what a doll! found you via chasing sunshine! love it!

  10. I hate the dentist also. Your little girl is so precious!

  11. Yay glad you joined. Im your newest follower and I love your shots.

  12. I love the pictures of Alivia - so precious - as always. Love her little toots!
    OK I will be the one to say it - I have had to get a root canal and I can tell you it does not hurt, as long as you have a good dentist. I happen to love my dentist - never had any pain with him ever - the root canal with him went well and no pain during or after - they should numb you up enough where you don't feel a thing - if thats what you end up with. You will be just fine! :)

  13. such beautiful photos! loving them in black and white!! she is just adorable!!

  14. Oh hon... I'm praying w/ your appointment today you will be feeling ALL better girl! Toothaches are MEAN!

    You always capture such sweet, genuine, BEAUTIFUL moments. The Daddy & his little princess shot is SO lovely, & YOU know how I feel about those piggie tails! XOXO Sending a big hug mama...!

  15. Ouch, that sounds painful! I actually love the dentist! One of the few! I love the very last pic of Alivia...perfect. And a daddy with his girl...precious!
