June 26, 2012

New Grungy Collage

Hey there!  Yeah, I’m a little late posting for Tuesday.  You’ll have to forgive me, I went to bed super early last night (which is when I would have been drafting my Tuesday post) because I wasn’t feeling well.  I’ve been feeling super run down and almost like I’m fighting what could be a pretty serious cold.  Either that or I have allergies.  Not sure.  I didn’t give myself the ol’ booger test.  You know what I’m talking about right?  You blow your nose and if your boogies are green it’s a cold but if they are clear than it’s allergies.  It comes in handy when the little ankle biter gets sick.  It’s nice to be certain what she has so that I can treat it correctly.  Anyhoo, so last night when the hubby came home from work (at round 7:15 pm), I took advantage and ran myself a nice hot bath and then climbed right into bed afterwards at around 8:00 pm.  I don’t think I’ve been to bed at 8 o’clock since I started this blog seeing as my nights are really the only time I have to myself.  Anyhow, it was nice.  Today, I am feeling a tiny bit better, but still not myself.  I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I don’t come down with anything.  I’m already envisioning Alivia and I sick for the weekend.

Anyhow, I created this new collage that I’m calling  GRUNGY.  I thought I’d switch things up a bit and create a collage with a background for a change.  I used a texture that I purchased from Paint the Moon.  If you are interested in this freebie, feel free to click HERE to download.  This collage is 900 px wide and can always be resized smaller to fit your blog’s posting area.  Also, as a reminder all of my collages can be opened in either PSE or Photoshop as they are .psd file extensions!

If you are interested in learning how to create your own collage in PSE or Photoshop, feel free to steal my collage making tutorial on my FREEBIES page or you can just click HERE.

B&W Collage8 900px sample


  1. I sure hope you are feeling better soon, Elena!
    This collage is beautiful.
    I love the wonderful tones in the photographs too.

  2. That is sooo cute. Going to download it now.

  3. Great collage! Hope you feel better. :)

  4. Fabulous collage - and cutie pie little girl :)

  5. Great collage and awesome tutorial, thank you :)

  6. Thank you very much! Pretty cool...love how it is different! Sorry to hear you were not feeling well....not fun!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  7. Hope you get to feeling better! My little man is on THREE.DIFFERENT.MEDS for his allergies! I hope he outgrows them like his daddy did!! And I love this collage!! Very cute!

  8. Aw, so cute! Love it.
    Hope you are feeling better soon!!

  9. Love the collage! And good for you for getting into bed at 8 p.m (even if it was because you were feeling under the weather)!
    ♥ Kyna
