June 27, 2012

Free Printable: New Baby Checklist

I’ve been reading an awful lot of bump updates lately and I remember when I was pregnant (especially with my first child) that a new baby checklist would have come in handy!  I found a few partial lists on various websites but never came across a complete and thorough one to really keep me organized.  The hospital is fantastic in that they usually provide all of your immediate essentials like formula, bottles, diapers, swaddling blankets, infant caps, pacifiers, washcloths etc. but when you go home, we all know, that you are on your own!  I guess it’s safe to say “you better be prepared”.  I don’t know about you, but my favorite part of pregnancy was the preparation.  I really relished in all of those moments from purchasing boring necessities like petroleum jelly to the fun and exciting things like a little onsie that read “I love my Mommy” on it!  I just about melted right there in the clothing isle!  The hubby could have dropped me off at any baby store and I would have been happy for hours!  Need infant brush & comb; CHECK.  Need nail clippers; CHECK.  Need bouncy seat; CHECK.  Need want that adorable little bunny with those super floppy ears for the shelf in the nursery; CHECK!  Anything I could think of, I bought! 

Gosh, this post really takes me back.  I can’t believe that my little one is approaching the BIG 2 already!  I’m not really sure where the time has gone.  It seems like yesterday we were stepping into our house for the first time as a family instead of just “Bob and Elena”.  It’s amazing how, instead of parents to an infant, we are parents to a toddler!  When did that happen?

So, this post was really intended for the “soon to be” Mom or Dad that needs a checklist to help them prepare for their bundle of joy!  One that you can print out, but that’s also fun to use and pretty to look at?  Yeah, that’s right, I have a printable for you today!  Not just any ol’ printable, but a FREE printable!  I’m sure I may have left a couple things off the list, hence the “Other” column I provided for you to write things in as needed.  I’d also like to give credit to The CoffeeShop Blog for the sweet background paper and fun digital tape that I used for this little project of mine!  I resized it for the purpose of this post, but it measures 8.5 x 11 inches.  I hope you enjoy it, but more importantly, that it provides you with comfort just knowing that you will have everything needed to welcome your new little one into the world!

Click HERE for download!

New Baby Checklist FINAL

On another note, I’m linking up the following picture to Joshua’s Photo Link Up and This or That Thursday over at Our Footprints on the World and Deb Duty.  It’s my favorite shot of the week so far.  I can’t get over how beautiful my baby’s eyes are!  And just to switch it up a bit, I thought I’d share my straight out of camera (SOOC) shot as well.  Sometimes I think it’s nice to document my processing style along my photography journey.

55mm   Aperture: f/6.3   ISO: 800   Shutter Speed: 1/200

068 SOOC RS copy

Brightened slightly.
Boosted contrast slightly.
Used the Hair and Eye pop action from Paint the Moon (PTM) to brighten whites and catch lights.
Used the Twinkle Eyes action from PTM to lighten irises slightly.
Sharpened eyes slightly.
Used a spot healing tool on a scratch on her face and to remove hair from her forehead.
Added a subtle vignette.
Resized for web.
Once finished, I used the Peach Tea (black & white) action from PTM
to convert to black and white for my second shot.
068 RSWM
PROCESSED (black & white)
068 RSWM B&W


  1. What a great idea! That would've really come in handy with Emma. I know what you mean, Emma is about to turn 3. Talk about fast! Beautiful capture!

  2. yeah I know. A lot of bump alert lately including me.. but I gave birth last April. Wish I had that list. Nice job on the photo editing. Love it!

  3. Hi Elena! Thanks so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog! Made me smile :)

    And yes I'll swap buttons! I've just posted yours on my blog. You can grab mine anytime.

    Thank You!

  4. Beautiful shot of Alivia - great job on her eyes! And the checklist was a lifesaver for us - I had one from Babiesrus that I downloaded off their site (I think it was from them) - I am a huge list person so that was so great for me - and I just made notes as I went along too. I did that for our wedding as well. I Need lists LOL! And you are right, it seems like sooo long ago this list was needed. I feel like if/when we have a 2nd child, we will be much more prepared! :)

  5. she is adorable - still have the baby-ish face(which I miss - all my kiddos have lost it)

  6. Hi Elena! I would terribly like you to pin my Photoshop Actions tutorial. :) By the way, that is a gorgeous photo! I love all the light in her eyes.

  7. Wow...these are awesome. Of course she is ADORABLE.

  8. Love the list... wish I could really use it, if ya know what I mean! Girl, LOVE your livvy pic, & your sooc shot is really REALLY good! Also it's so great to see how others go about editing, it always makes me think & learn new things! LOVE that b&w.

  9. I don't know how little Alivia could be more beautiful, yet each time I visit here, she is.

    You have a fantastic weekend, my friend!


  10. How adorable is this list! I am printing it off for my youngest daughter to file away for that one day:) A Mother can always hope:)I do have a question for you, Your ISO is 800? I never shoot that high in natural light...is there a reason why you did? Could you explain? Thanks so much.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  11. Wow that's a big list but then reading through it I realise actually you need everything there and maybe even more :S How much could one little person need?

    Love seeing the way you have edited this gorgeous picture x x

  12. Beautiful photo and edits! My little one saw Alivia and said "Ha! Bay beee" Big grins ;)

    Great idea for the checklist! I remember when I had my first 3 the hospital gave us tons of diapers, wipes, and supplies, but by the 4th budget cuts had set in and the were more tight with the freebies.

  13. Time just flies by doesn't it. I love that last shot. This is a fantastic checklist.

  14. What a great idea! Love the pics of her. So sweet...great editing! My little one is two on Sunday....sigh...I miss planning for him to arrive, such a sweet time for us.
