June 28, 2012

The Missing Link – Week 12

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Well, it could just be one of the links below. Hence my post title! You may ask yourself "Is she serious?" Well the answer is "No, I'm definitely NOT serious." I'm just feeling silly. Seriously though, I thought I'd share some of my favorite links with you in an effort to spread the love. What's better is that I thought I'd make this post a weekly thang! No that isn't a typo. I told you I was feeling silly. So the links below may not complete your life, but I'm hoping they, in some way, add to it. I separated them into categories for easy navigation. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

1. I love this swapping heads tutorial on Live. Love. Travel!
2. I think this Lookbook is such a great idea for photographers!
3. Do you ever want to hang a bunch of pictures in one place on your wall but not quite sure how to arrange them?  You have so many options that it can get a little overwhelming.  I loved these wall hanging examples even though I couldn’t read the post.  Oh these examples too!
4. This polaroid photo wall rocks! 
5. This idea for a photo to capture the generations is priceless!

1. I’m always looking for new fun clothes for my toddler and boy did I find some great things on Etsy!  Check out this super cute dressThis one too and don’t forget this (which reminds me of a page from an old comic book)!  How cute would these be in photographs?
2. This is the best messy updo I’ve seen!  It’s just so darn pretty!
3. How great is this manicure for the 4th of July?  Love it!
4. This dress is VERY Marilyn!  They should come in every color!
5. I think this is such a sweet, yet sexy, dress!
6. I’ve fallen in love!  With this In Key Weekender handbag!

1. I can’t remember if I shared this link before but it is such a great idea for your little ones!
2. How great is this printable US map jigsaw puzzle for the littles?
3. I don’t know how people come up with this stuff, but this is just a fantastic idea in case your child ever gets lost! 

1. Love this idea for hanging hand towels over at The Creamer Chronicles!  They are so cute!
2. It’s heaven for an achy body!  Yes, please! 
3. I can’t get over this lamp!  And this one reminds me of the one I purchased for Alivia’s nursery!

1. This recipe over at Great Expectations sounds beyond yummy! And the picture to go along with it had me drooling all over my keyboard!
2. And while we are on the topic of delicious foods, check out this recipe for marshmallow macaroons!
3. This next recipe is a cavity just waiting to happen, but that’s not going to stop me!
4. These garden (herb) markers are so great! It makes me want to grow my own herbs!

Also linking up the photograph below to the following photo challenges.  I just love her little hands and she was trying to buckle her seatbelt in her new Radio Flyer!  My baby is so safe; I love it!

032 RSWM1

the long roadHappily Mother After

Can you tell she is a little tired!
The staring off into space and sucking of the thumb, I would say, is a clear indicator!
Also, you like the cute monkey sticker peeking out from under her sleeve?
I gave this to her for being such a BIG girl when she let me clean a boo boo and put a Band-Aid on it!

027 RSWM1

029 RSWM1

Still trying to buckle that seatbelt.

041 RSWM

“Where did my sippy cup go Mama”?
I absolutely love this shot but it came out blurry.
I sharpened it a little in PSE.

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067 RSWM1

“Let me push it myself”!
And so she did!

068 RSWM1

Also linking up my blog to:
That Friday Blog Hop



  1. Awww. Love these. Soooo sweet. So cool that you post some of your favorite blog post.

  2. Someone does indeed look sleepy, and I am so loving that little thumb!

    Thank you for the neat links! To say that I LOVE that dress, is an understatement.


  3. Sweet shots. I have a thumb sucker too.

  4. Love the little hands...and that dress is so cute!

  5. So cute- What an adorable wagon too.

  6. Wow, that's a lot of great links! Great photos of your little beauty :)

  7. I just love her pretty curly hair. So sweet!

  8. You always find the best stuff! LOVE the generations idea. OMgosh, that is one cute girl in one cool wagon! Btw, YAY... super excited for you to guest host tomorrow.

  9. Thanks for all the great links to check out! Your little girl is so gorgeous. Hope you have a great holiday and thanks for commenting on my vacation post! x
