June 30, 2012

Finagle a Foto Guest Judge and FREEBIE

Guess what?  I am going to be a Guest Judge for the Finagle a Foto challenge this week!  You could say that I’m a a little excited!  Okay, a lot excited! Woo Hoo! So, have you heard of this photo challenge? Did you say “No”? Uh oh, well I hate to tell you but, you sure are missing out!  I hate to see people missing out.  If you are interested, here is a little information about the challenge!  If you’d like to join in the fun and link up, feel free to click on that button below!  The linky goes live on Sundays!  See you there!  I can’t wait to see your submissions!


Happy Jax

"You don't take a photograph, you make it"- Ansel Adams

Finagle a Foto is a weekly challenge hosted & brought to you by

Marilyn-The Artsygirl Connection, & Melanie-Happy Jax!

I ADORE my girl Marilyn, & we take a lot of pride & love in our challenge!

Our Current Challenge...

June 29th~ {Celebrating Independence Day /Best Of Your Week}

We would LOVE for you to join us!
1. Please be a follower HERE and of my Co-Hosts & * Marilyn
Feel free to show off shots that lead to your perfected photo of choice!
{Lets us know to follow YOU too so we stay connected!!!}
2. MUST be your OWN shot, please do not finagle other's work.
3. Please Link Back To Your ORIGINAL Actual Photo Post.
4. Please display Finagle A Foto button on your post.
5. Help Us Know YOUR Favorites By "Liking" The Photo
6. Winner gets to help us choose the challenge themes..!!
7. Visit around and check out creative versions of the focal point of the week!
8. Give some comment LOVE. Everyone loves & little LOVE!


Also, and because I can’t leave you without some adorable pictures, here are a few I added to my new collage.  Background courtesy of The CoffeeShop Blog.  Keep scrolling down to steal this FREEBIE!  Hey, that’s sort of an oxymoron huh?  You can’t really steal what’s free now can you?

Neutral Collage9 900px RS

Want the template, click HERE.
(it’s a 900 px wide .psd file and can be opened in Photoshop Elements and Photoshop)

Neutral Collage9 900px for Post

And a little something different!  I bet you weren’t expecting this huh?
Poor bug never had a chance.
It’s amazing how beautiful they are with their iridescent coloring!
I’m not even sure what kind of bug this is.
I’m guessing a beetle?

Color bar template courtesy of, you guessed it, The CoffeeShop Blog!  I just love them!

077 RS with colorbar


  1. Thanks for the freebie. Using it on my post today! Congrats on being a judge for the link up sounds like fun. For sure going to link up a photo over there. I love discovering new photography link ups! :)

  2. Congrats on 'being a judge' ~ for photos ~ thanks,^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  3. WOW, fantastic collage Elena, I LOVE it.. Thanks so much for sharing.. Totally snagging one.. YOU ROCK or guest judging for us this upcoming week, thank YOU so much.. We are really thrilled to have you and can't wait to see your favs.. Thank so much again.. Wishing you a beautiful week.. xo.. Marilyn

  4. You are just AWESOME mama! I am just a little (A LOT) excited that your hosting w/ us this week! Thanks so much, & the freebie is so sweet, can't wait to put that to good use! Btw, that beetle pic rocks!

  5. Thank you for all of your hard work on this template, it is adorable. Yes, I am a follower and love your blog and your little girl!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  6. Congrats on being a guest judge- that is so cool! Great template too! Thank you!

  7. What a fantastic template! I really like it. :)
