June 24, 2012

Guest Bloggers Needed

That’s right, I’m going on vacation again in two weeks!  The family and I will be packing it up and getting our SUN on in Cape Cod, MA.  I hate to leave my little bloggy for an entire week but I’m excited to go and relax!  I’d love to have guest bloggers to post in my absence and was wondering if you would be interested?  Yeah, YOU!  I’d need five guest bloggers to make sure the entire week is covered.  And in case you are wondering, or have never been a guest blogger, it is really simple.  You can submit your posts to me in one of the following ways:
1. Draft a post in your own blog interface (whether it be Blogger, Wordpress, Windows Live Writer, etc.) and copy the source code in an email for me to paste and publish or,
2. type your post in a Word document and email any picture attachments that will accompany it or,
3. type your post in an email and attach any pictures.
Pretty easy right?  See I told you!  I bolded the first option because it is the method I prefer most.  I’ve had some issues in the past with trying to copy and paste over links from Word and Email.  If you do choose to use method 2 or 3, please be sure to let me know the actual url addresses of any links that you may be including in your posts.  Oh and, before I forget, the submission deadline would be July 3rd

If you are interested, please feel free to comment on this post or you can email me directly at croppedstories@gmail.com.  I will let all guest bloggers know when their posts will be published in advance so that they are able to inform their followers.  I will also publish a post sometime the week before I leave for vacation that will let everyone know of the guest bloggers I have lined up in my absence.  This will allow readers to get acquainted with your blogs beforehand!

Okay, now onto my pictures.  I’m really excited to share these!  We bought Livvy some great new outdoor toys, one being this little Step 2 car  that the hubby and I get to push her in.  I never thought she would enjoy it as much as she has been!  She just sits back, steers, and beeps the ol’ horn!  Lately, though, she’s been getting out of it and just pushing it around herself which is a riot to see because she can barely reach the handle.  LOL!
001 RS
006 RS
020 RS
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081 RS
I save the best for last!
I just love this shot!
It’s my new favorite so I’m linking it up to the following photo challenges.
I couldn’t decide whether I liked it better in black & white or color!
But just check out those catch lights!
068 in PSE B&W
068 RS
Sweet Shot Tuesday with Kent WeakleyHappy JaxScattered HorizonsPhotobucket


  1. Having a little one as photogenic as her sure must make it easy to be a photographer!

  2. ADORABLE! You are great with those close up shots! She is so cute! I love getting new toys for Eli, he has a birthday (2) in a week and I can't wait, haha..like it's my birthday or something!

  3. A-mazing catch lights! Oh Livvy you somehow got cuter... & mama captured it perfectly!! LOVE all of these. Jaxy had a car almost exactly like this & had tons O fun w/ it!!

  4. Beautiful photos! (even if I don't know what catch lights are.) Your little girl is adorable and your photos are amazing.

  5. First off- Love Alivia's pictures! So cute! As for the last picture.. I think I like the B&W ... I am partial to BW. :) Oooh guest poster.... Hmmm I would love to do that - sounds like so much fun! But do I have a topic? Hmmm of course not. Nothing. Blank! Haha!

  6. They all so great!!! It's impossible to choose a fav :) Her eyes are just amazing!

  7. I hope you have a wonderful time away! Livvy certainly seems to enjoy her new toys.

  8. Super cute pics! What fun for her. Brought back so many memories of when mine were that little.

  9. Awww, how beautiful is she.. I just LOVE that lil pretty face.. SO adorable.. A family vaca sounds wonderful.. Have an amazing trip.. xoxo.. Marilyn

  10. Oh my goodness, her face! She's just perfect.

  11. I'm here from You Capture so of course I looked for your blue inspiration. I'm not sure any of your photos were inspired by blue but I did find some blue AND you have some amazing captures. Once again, your little one is adorable!

  12. bear still loves that step 2 car. the photos of your little one are adorable, as always. love those lashes. enjoy your time away.

  13. Alivia is so cute and adorable! All these pics are great!

    Just wanted to let you know I followed you on Twitter, Bloglovin' and Google friend connect so now we can stalk each other everywhere, he he


  14. OH YES...the last picture with the reflection in her eyes...just dreamy!!!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  15. What a beauty! Love those lashes and all the little detail close ups, adorable!

  16. Looks like a fun day for your little girl. Nice captures.

  17. Wow! She is too cute for words ~ beautiful photos ~thanks, ^_^ (A Creative Harbor)

  18. She is super cute, oh so adorable baby :) and all your stills are awesome. Wow!
