May 28, 2012

Sunset over Nice, France

So I told you I’d have some guest bloggers for you this week. I don’t think I mentioned how awesome they would be though. I can’t tell you how glad I am to have been referred to Akseli’s site.  His work is truly amazing!  Some of his shots actually have taken my breath away.  I seriously could look at them for hours!  If you’d like to take a peek at his website, you can find it at Blogs for Photos.  Happy viewing!

Akseli Blog Header

Nice, being home to 350,000 locals, is a popular tourist destination to many. Located on the French Riviera many tourists fly there every day. And why not, since the warm climate and large beaches are sought by many. The old town is a tourist attraction too with narrow alleys and little shops next to each other. Also the city state Monaco is just 20 minutes away by train.

I was visiting Nice at the end of May. I had read before about the great landscapes that the city has to offer. The Mont Boron in particular was interesting since it offered nice views over the city and the beaches. So one day we took a bus up to the Mont Boron. After a little walk we stumbled upon a trench and big closed gates. I think the gates led to the actual vantage point but since they were closed we had to settle for walking around the trench. There was a path so it was no problem. I got several shots there. This one shows the city of Nice with the port and a smaller mountain on the foreground. The Mediterranean is on the left hand side.

All in all, it was a great trip! I recommend Nice to every landscape photographer out there. The views are great. There are mountains, old cities, and the sea in the same scene. I also recommend going there in Spring or Autumn when it's not so hot. Now it was 15-20°C which is a great temperature; not too hot, not too cold either.

Akseli Niemelä is a hobbyist Finnish photographer. You can see more of his work on his photography blog.


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  1. WOW! Stunning capture. Looks like the heavens are opening right up! Can't wait to go check out more photos!!

  2. Wow! What a gorgeous image. Thanks for pointing us to this talented photographer, Elena.
