May 27, 2012

I’m nothing but a Finagler!

On vacation here in Sarasota, FL so I’m a little less wordy than usual.  I know it’s not Wednesday or anything, but it really should be allowed on the other days of the week ;o)  Sorry for such a short post, but if you had a gorgeous beach in your backyard what would you do?  So, let’s see, you can stay inside and write OR swim in the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, build sand castles with the white powder sand, soak up the sun for some much needed Vitamin D, and relax and let the gentle breeze cool you off!  Hmmmm, it’s a toughie I know.  I’ll let you think about it.
Anyhow, I just wanted to link up the photo below to the Finagle a Foto Challenge over at Happy Jax.  The theme is Best of Week!  I actually had a couple in mind, but there is something about this picture that I have fallen in love with.  It could be the tousled hair, the lines under her eyes, the pouting of the mouth, or that all too familiar look that she gives me when she’s just about had it with mommy taking pictures of her.  After I took this shot, I put the camera down.
“Okay baby, mommy will come and play with you”!  And we did play for the rest of that day. 
Happy Jax

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Wow, Gulf of Mexico! I'm so jealous.

    I don't mind a short post :) I like looking at pictures much more. Can't wait to see the ones you make on vacation.

  2. i know the look of the last photo before the camera must be put down all too well. love her tousled hair and pout.

  3. Ahhhhh... double sighhhh.... your vacation sounds heavenly my dear! Eat it up, & have the best time!

    Can you say A-dorable! OMGosh. LOVE THAT look on Alivia's sweet sweet face. They tousled hair just tops the cuteness meter! Thank you SO much for taking the time, especially on your fam vacation to link up, unnecessary, but so appreciated! XOXO

    (excited for Wednesday)

  4. She has the sweetest face! Love this pic!

  5. This is the most adorable picture EVER! Love it!

  6. So adorable! Have a great time!!!
