May 24, 2012

The Missing Link – Week 7

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Well, it could just be one of the links below. Hence my post title! You may ask yourself "Is she serious?" Well the answer is "No, I'm definitely NOT serious." I'm just feeling silly. Seriously though, I thought I'd share some of my favorite links with you in an effort to spread the love. What's better is that I thought I'd make this post a weekly thang! No that isn't a typo. I told you I was feeling silly. So the links below may not complete your life, but I'm hoping they, in some way, add to it. I separated them into categories for easy navigation. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

1. Want to print your Instagram photos?  This website offers some great printing ideas!
2. Great post for 10 apps that will boost your Instagram photos (for IPHONE and ANDROID users).
3. Instagram magnets anyone?  What a fabulous idea!
4. I recently downloaded this camera app and this camera app to my Android!  And of course it allows you to post on Instagram!
5. Great photography website to join!  They have the most inspiring photographs!  I’ve pinned quite a few.
6. This website offers great photography tips and tutorials!  I’ve been loving it!
7. A new bloggy site that someone referred me to.  His HDR’s ROCK!

1. How cute is this Etsy shop?  I love this bracelet and this one too!
2. Very cool online shop!  Cute stuff at VERY affordable prices!
3. C’mon now if you know me at all, than you’d know I’m going to attach a handbag link!  This one too!  I just love hobos!

1. How cool is this post?  A DIY instagram scrapbook!
2. Very cool IPHONE case that holds your business cards too!
3. Ever wonder what your email URL address is?  I just recently created a button that will open Outlook and allow you to email me.  However, before I could make this button link correctly, I needed the URL.  This tool is a Mailto URL Encoder.  Pretty handy!
4. I love this HTML Code Tutorial website!  It has been such a life saver.
5. Do you do any digital scrapbooking?  If so, I love this website.  They offer so many cool digital scrapbook designs. 
6. A cool place to register your blog!
7. A great post on Tips for Registering your Blogsite.

1. Gorgeous coasters (only $6 each)!
2. How sweet are these measuring spoons?
3. And how’s your gorgeous tent in the water for only $9000.00!
4. OMG, these chairs are so comfortable, but this one is gorgeous too!  I would seriously spend the money for this!  It’s totally worth it!
5. This hanging vase strand is such a great idea!
6. English High Tea Wall Décor!  Love it!  Alivia has a teacup lamp in her room too that these wall hooks would go perfectly with!

1. I need to get this for my little one!  How cute is this really?  I just want to hug it!
2. How awesome is this for a toddler gift?  Who doesn’t love board books, never mind a customizable one!
3. This Papa and Baby Bear set is so adorable!
4. Great teethers for you baby!
5. I am absolutely in love with these night lights!  Something about owls too that I love!

Now onto my pictures.  These are a continuation of the pictures I posted yesterday.


Where’s Alivia?


There she is!!!!! 

I was playing Peek-a-boo with her!  She is such a peanut.  She can barely see over the carriage!  That doesn’t stop her though.  She loves to push that thing!


Oh, wait, is that a smile I see?  It is so difficult to catch photos of her smiling!




I love this next shot of her.


I’m also linking up the photo below to the following Photo Challenge at The Long Road to China.  She is constantly trying to move hair out of her eyes and back from her face!  I usually have it pulled back, and I did on this day, but sometimes the barrette ends up in Mommy’s pocket instead of in her hair.  I used Biscotti, a Paint the Moon action, to process.  I’m kind of loving it!  You have to be careful which pictures you use this action on since it can have the tendency to wash the person out especially if you don’t play with the opacity of the layers.  I like the slightly desaturated look it gave to this photo!  It makes you concentrate on her expression more than what may be going on around her like the grass in the background that was bright green and the dark black car that was a little distracting.


the long road

And some randomness!  I love the way this came out though and these just happen to be one of my favorite pairs of shoes!


As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Hahaaa... adorable Alivia piccys!! ALWAYS LOVE all your fun links, the photo tips & tutorial site is very cool! It's great to find new ones!


  2. Alivia is just beautiful! inside and out!

  3. I'm kinda obsessed with instagram these days. I would love to buy some magnets of my favorite shots or make a little DIY album! Such a great idea. I try to blog my instagram pics so that when I print my blog at least my favorites are saved for future memory keeping. I love the curl in your little girls brown hair. So sweet!

  4. Very cool- love checking out all the places other like.

    Adorable shots as always & super cute shoes. I used to have a similar pair but now my 11 year old has taken them for herself. Still a bit shocked that the only person in the house with smaller feet than me is the munchkin. :)

  5. I love photos like the first one, really close up to the face. It is so awesome to remember those fine details of their little faces.

  6. Totally sweet pics - and great links! :-)

  7. Oh, I love those BW shots of Alivia. She is so cute!

    Erika B

  8. Thanks for mentioning my blog! :)

  9. you got me with that tent thing in the water- i had to look at that in depth lol - how cool - haha
    And I am super digging that 500px website - I could sit and look through it for hours. :)
    Great pictures of Alivia- I love the 2 of her squatting down - in B&W. Adorable!
