May 29, 2012

Routine, Routine, Routine

What do I have in store for you today?  Another wonderful guest blogger that’s what!  Natalie blogs about everything from personal experiences, to give-a-ways, product reviews, and recipes, etc.  And you can always count on adorable images of little E?  Who is little E?  Well you’ll just have to visit her website over at Growing up a NJ WIFE & MOM to find out!

Natalie blog header

The Mister and I never read parenting books, and we never adopted a specific parenting style. We get asked all the time by new parents what kind of parents we consider ourselves. I never know how to answer.

On the best and worst of days we are as I say “winging” this parenting thing. It’s our first time. Is any first time parent doing anything but winging it? Yeah I can have a plan for the day, but that doesn’t mean that my almost 14-month-old daughter is going to follow that plan.

The only thing that I can say we do consistently is try to stick to our routine as much as possible. I think this has
been extremely successful for us. Will it work for everyone? Maybe. Then again maybe not.

Since we both work outside of the home we agree that sticking to a routine is even more important.

The most important routine for us is Elisabeth’s bedtime routine. I think this has led us to great sleeping baby

Every night at 7 PM Elisabeth has tub time with Dad. After tub time Dad helps get her teeth brushed, gives her a lotion massage, puts on her PJs, reads a bedtime story, and then Elisabeth calls out for Mom for some before bed boob time.

She is almost always in bed and asleep by 7:30 PM. The best part is that at or around 7 PM she wants to start her
routine. She goes to the bathroom and calls for Dad. After her story she calls out for me. It’s AWESOME. There is no
fighting or drama.

She sleeps straight through the night too!

Will this routine work for everyone? No, but it works for us. We also believe in our first time parent’s expertise that
a routine is healthy and positive for both kids and parents alike.

Do you have a routine that you stick to everyday?




As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Isn't she a doll- love those cheeks.

  2. My boys have always "preferred" a routine, but that's not always easy. :)

    Love these shots, Elena. How sweet are those tiny pierced ears!?

  3. Ooops...just realized that Natalie took the photos. I'll blame it on being a mommy...again. :)

  4. You're right, we are all "winging" it. That is why it is important to find what works for you! Ours is bathtime, books and cuddling up watching a movie. Cute blog too!

  5. Aw, what a sweetie pie! Our routine shifts as necessary and each kid requires something a little different at times. Going with the flo helps us cut down on the stress ;)

  6. Fabulous post, & adorable shots!! A routine is a must at our house... it's when we go off it just a but, it's hard to get back on schedule!

    LOVE her blog too!)
