May 19, 2012

New Pics… She’s going to be the death of me

I seriously don’t know how I make any time for blogging.  Alivia has been glued to my hip.  Yesterday was the worst.  It seemed like from the minute she woke up in the morning to when she went to bed at 8:00 pm that night, she was in my arms.  Every other minute all I heard was “hold”, “hold”.  When I couldn’t hold her than all I heard was whining, but mostly crying followed by the overly dramatic hunched over mope.  I never felt so bad in my life and you can’t even imagine the cramping I’ve been getting in both arms.  It’s like I just had the hardest workout of my life!  Last night, in an effort to give myself a break, I thought I’d run an errand when my husband got home.  Saying goodbye to Alivia for the night was the worst feeling ever.  When she realized that I was going out she started crying and shouting “hold mama”.  It was horrible and all of a sudden my heart sort of dropped and there I was standing there in a pool of guilt.  Like I was doing something wrong.  I fought the overwhelming feeling to just stay home, wiped my tear filled eyes, took a deep breath, and walked out the door.  This kid is seriously killing me.  She is going to be the death of me.  I know, I say it all the time but it’s so true!

When I told my mom this story she said that I am still the death of her.  I will continue to be the death of my mom no matter how old I get.  She told me as if I were going to be surprised or something.  I get it though.  I already realized that Alivia would be the death of me until, well, forever!  That’s okay though.  I signed up for this!

I was able to snap a few pictures of ‘the death of me’ at the park the other day.  We enjoyed getting out and getting some fresh air.  We’ve been having some great weather over here.  Perfect weather actually.  It’s been 70 degrees.  Today is 80 degrees and tomorrow, lucky for us, will be the same.  Too bad the hubby is working.  I’m so lucky to have a hubby that allows Alivia and I to spend our days together and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Thanks baby!





I’m linking up the photo below to The Paper Mama’s Photo Challenge.  The theme this week is eyes.  It was hard to choose a picture for this theme.  I love my baby’s eyes in all of the pictures I take of her! 


The Paper Mama Photo Challenge



I’m linking up the photo below to the Finagle A Foto Challenge over at Happy Jax!  The theme this week is {Best of Week}.  I couldn’t think of a better picture to submit than of this one of Alivia in pigtails!
Happy Jax

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Wow you are very talented! Alivia is so adorable. I'm just starting out with my first DSLR and I'm now a fan of your fabulous blog. Take care Bianca :)

  2. The first pic is my favorite.

  3. Gorgeous shots!!! I especially love the last one by the window. And yes, my kids are the death of me too... the death of me, and the life of me, both at the same time :-)

  4. She is So adorable. Oh my goodness. I love her hair and her cheeks : ) Her dress is perfect! I hope your arms had a little break today : )

  5. OHHHH. Those piggy tails would SO be the death of me! Cutest piggies EVER! Oh girlfriend... I can surely relate to the attached at the hip kiddo thing. They just go through their little phases.... honestly I still have those days when jax wants nothing more than for me to hold him & give him a piggy back ride.... THE ENTIRE DAY.... but he's 3 1/2 & becoming more independent every single day. I honestly kind of miss those days when he wouldn't leave my arms. BUT that being said... every mommy needs a break man, I know it's super hard not to, but try not to feel guilty for taking some "you" time! I should eat my own words) Lol)

    Elena, I LOVE the sweet curiosity you captured in the last pics, & your eyes entry is amazing. I simply just always love your photos. You are a talented lady... plus you have one darn cute "death of you!" Lol)

  6. Oh. Btw, love that little dress.

  7. She is so darn adorable! I completely understand. I'm sorry to say it really doesn't get any easier as they get older. Now I am sitting here thinking that my oldest will be driving in a year & a half & old enough to move out in 4 years- it literally terrifies me to my core.

  8. Gorgeous photos- your daughter is beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog and I look forward to reading more on yours. x

  9. I love the one of her at the window. She is just such a cutie.

  10. I have no idea if the comment I just typed went through or not. My computer just went wonky on me. So here it goes again.
    I love the one of her at the window. She is just such a cutie!

  11. All I can say, is that sweet face is worth dieing for! Adorabale. It's a phase, it will pass and then you'll have new things to cringe over. Enjoy the cuddle time, and be sure to get someone to "spot" you! Every good mama deserves a break.

  12. Oh! She's such a doll! How precious! I bet it's very hard for you to not want to pick her up all the time--especially when she's begging you to. Thanks for sharing on Finagle a Foto!

  13. Awe, I never did have to deal with Emma wanting to be held. From the moment she realized she didn't need me to get around she's been trying to get away lol. I'm sorry though, that is heart breaking. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself when I leave her and she doesn't care, but then I remind myself of the kids that scream and cry, that'd be a much worse feeling. You're doing great though! You do deserve a break everyonce in a while, it doesn't make you a bad Momma, rather it makes you a great Momma because you care! Ok, sorry for rambling lol. Great photos, I love that last one!!!

  14. Congrats Elena, you sweet photo was picked as one of our top winners this week for FAF!!! Stop on by & grab your winning button love!
