May 20, 2012

New Pics… My future’s so bright that I gotta wear shades

How was everyone’s weekend?  We lucked out over here in New Hampshire!  Saturday and Sunday were both 80 degree days with completely clear skies.  Seriously, I don’t think I saw one cloud the entire weekend.

Alivia and I spent our days outdoors!  Awhile back a neighbor had told my mom about a pond in our town but I never got the chance to see it.  On Sunday, however, we decided to go just to check things out.  Well I’ll tell you, boy have we been missing out.  I’ve only been living here for about six years and this is the first I’m hearing of this?  It’s crazy!  I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was clean, water was warm, and it even allowed for kayaking, canoeing, fishing, etc.  How nice is that?

I snapped a few pictures of Alivia at the pond.  This was after she warmed up a bit and allowed mommy to put her down.  I’m so glad I was able to capture these shots as she was all decked out in her sundress, sunhat, and shades.  I bought these sunglasses soon after Alivia was born and this is only the second time she has worn them.  At first, she would put them on and take them off (mainly off).  This weekend, though, she wore them the entire time we were outside.  It took everything in my power not to just gobble her up right there at the pond as an afternoon snack. 



This next shot is of her telling me to “Hold Mama”.  Arms stretched out and all wanting me to hold her.  A friend reminded me there will be a time she becomes more independent and I will be missing these moments that I had the chance to be so close to her.  She is so right. 





This next one is my favorite shot.  I’m loving it in black and white.  I wanted to link it up to the Quotography, Show off your Shot, and Sweet Shot Tuesday Photo Challenges over at {My} Perspective, And then she Snapped, and My 3 Boybarians.  For Quotography, the theme this week is Sunshine.  I don’t think anything represents sunshine better than a sunhat and shades!  I love this quote too!  It couldn’t be more true.


Quotography at {My}Perspective

and<br /> then, she {snapped}
Sweet Shot Day

And here it is in color.


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  1. Love the shades and hat. If only my little boy would wear a hat :(

  2. How adorable- LOVE her dress. (your weather sounds so nice- oh how I dream of 80's)

  3. I think I can smell that amazing soft baby scent from here... she's adorable. :)

  4. Aww, she is such a doll and those glasses are Thanks for stopping by, it is wonderful to meet you!

  5. Oh my!! So adorable!! Love these.

  6. Simply precious. My grandgirl won't keep her shades on for anything. You captured some adorable shots.

  7. I love the color shot of Alivia in the middle with her shades & hat- that is just adorable! Great pictures! It was soooo nice here in NJ too tis past weekend - same weather- loved it! Where in NH are you? My father lives in Hinsdale - it's by brattleboro (VT) but on the other side of the border.

  8. Alivia (love the spelling) is adorable in those shades n cute little sundress! Nice quote too!!!

  9. Absolutely adorable shots of that precious little girl!

  10. Oh my....she could not be any cuter!!

  11. she is the cutiest baby in the world......

  12. These are precious! Love her shades and hat. Beautiful pics! How nice that you found a relaxing spot. That weather sounds devine ;)

  13. Great shots! I like how you captured a feeling of your little girl exploring. My favorite shot was her looking at the pine cone

  14. Here from Sweet Shot.
    I can't believe she kept those glasses on. So cute. Great shots. :-)

  15. Great shots. She is adorable.

  16. These are so cute! Those shades are so so adorable. And how great that you found a nice pond to visit in your town...even if it took you 6 years! ;)

  17. Congrats! You've been selected as top 3! Please be ready to email me this week with your top 3 choices from this week's link up.
