May 18, 2012

The Missing Link – Week 6

cropped stories

Before I go into my whole introduction to The Missing Link, I just wanted to let you all know that I created a button that goes right to my Missing Link page where you will find all of my previous The Missing Link posts.  If you missed my previous posts, please feel free to visit the page and steal my button too!

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Well, it could just be one of the links below. Hence my post title! You may ask yourself "Is she serious?" Well the answer is "No, I'm definitely NOT serious." I'm just feeling silly. Seriously though, I thought I'd share some of my favorite links with you in an effort to spread the love. What's better is that I thought I'd make this post a weekly thang! No that isn't a typo. I told you I was feeling silly. So the links below may not complete your life, but I'm hoping they, in some way, add to it. I separated them into categories for easy navigation. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

1. Hey this is sort of like Instagram, but it’s NOT!  It’s snapbucket 2.0.  Very cool!
2. I want to get an Instax camera just so I can get one of these really cool Instax albums.
3. How sweet is this camera strap and this one too?  Need them please!
4. I just love this picture!  Great site too.  You may want to take a look around!  Here is another one.  What a fantastic wedding ring idea!

1. Need some shoes for the beach?  These are water shoes.  And not just any water shoes, but salt water shoes
2. I’ve actually seen these handbag organizers on TV.  These are much better version though!  I could seriously use one right now!
3. Do you like bling bling?  This David Yurman ring is to die for!  I love looking at it; it’s just so pretty!
4. Another David Yurman piece to make you heart pitter patter!
5. My handbag of the week!  Or I should say clutch of the week.  If you like this, you have to check out the Ipad case!  Can you say “GORGEOUS!”

1. Do you travel?  This is a great passport, smartphone holder and wallet all in one.  Very stylish!
2. I need to get these sticky notes.  I had this idea of sticking them to my laptop to help me remember my to do list for the day!
3. Need help with your website and not too familiar with HTML or CSS?  I refer to this website a lot! 
4. Love this smartphone/wallet!

1. How great is this planter?  I just love it!
2. And this crazy crane planter stand!  How freakin’ cute!

1. Just bought this for Alivia.  She is going to be styling! 
2. Check this baby T-shirt out for your little angel! 
3. The hubby and I bought this Crazy Fort for my nephew.  It is so much fun!
4. Snow cone machine for those hot summer days!
5. Are these just about the sweetest thing you’ve ever seen?

Now for my submission for the Oh Snap shots of the week Photo Challenge over at Happily Mother After.


Happily Mother After

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Hey! You follow a lot of blogs that I also follow!! Glad to meet you! I'm following you now, and I can't wait to get to know you better!!!
    ♥ Kyna


    OMFFFFFLLLLIIIPN Gosh! I HAVE to have one of those camera straps. Never seen ones quite like those. Lol... I'm not quite sure I could ever spend that much on a strap though? YAh. Prob not! I'd rather save up for more lens babies! FAB finds though mama! I am loving this post!


  3. What a great idea! Thanks for the info ;0)!

  4. I want the snow cone machine!!

    What a treasure trove of links... Thanks for sharing. :)
