May 6, 2012

Just a few photo challenges

I hope everyone had a splendid weekend!  Our weather wasn’t too bad this past weekend.  It was about 62 degrees on Saturday but overcast and around 65 degrees on Sunday with partial sun.  Hey I’ll take what I can get. 

I had a very busy weekend.  It was sort of non-stop from Saturday morning right up until 8:00 pm on Sunday when I placed Alivia in her crib for the night.  I went clothes shopping for myself on both mornings, then a little walk around the neighborhood to get Alivia some fresh air, some chores around the house, and a visit to my sister’s.  I’ve been trying to get Alivia outside every chance I get since I’m pretty sure we are supposed to get rain after Monday for three days straight.  

I wanted to link up the picture below to the Show off your Shot Photo Challenge over at And then she Snapped. 

I’m sure you all know by now that this is my peanut!  I thought this shot had an interesting perspective.  It’s actually quite blurry, but I sharpened it as best I could.  Boy it’s tough trying to get a sharp picture of a moving swing.  I had my shutter speed up pretty high too.  I’m pretty impressed I was able to get a crisp shot at all.  The second shot came out nice and sharp.  Of course she had to have her thumb in her mouth covering up a good portion of her beautiful face but, hey, this is so Alivia.  Just when I thought she was starting to suck her thumb less too!  God, I hope she stops the thumb sucking on her own.  I’d hate to have to intervene. 

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I took these next shots with my kit lens.  Since it doesn’t zoom all that much, I was right on top of this sucker.  It was a greenhead too.  I’m lucky I didn’t get bitten.  These little suckers hurt when they bite.

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These next couple of shots are of my niece’s orchid.  Isn’t it gorgeous?  I just love the colors.

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Also, linking up to Quotography over at {My} Perspective and Finagle a Foto over at Happy Jax.  The theme for both photo challenges is Favorite April Photo.  Before I get to my ONE favorite, I thought I’d share all of my favorites.

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Nope, I’m not finished.  I can’t forget these:

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And my favorite photo for April is… Envelope please….
Along with the thumb sucking swing picture, this is also SO Alivia.

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As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you liked what you’ve read, please feel free to join the site!


  1. WOW! SO many A-mazing photos in just the month of April! You are seriously one talented mama/photographer! I ADORE the last shot especially! I have one almost just like it of Jax)

    Thanks a bunch for linking up w/ Finagle a Foto!!

  2. Haha, that last one is my favorite! :D

  3. What a sweet face - and perfect quote!

  4. hehe silly girl I love her, My fave is the one of her sleeping in a gorgeous black and white dress, so cute x x

  5. Alivia is so precious! I really love the shots of the fly, too. You made him beautiful! :)

  6. These are lovely! The last one is a killer photo! Nothing better than a squished up cute little face!

  7. I love your Aril choice, this is just darn cute!

  8. I love them all because she is so darn cute! But yes, that last one is seriously the best picture ever! FRAMER! With swinging shots I like to put my camera on the sports setting. I always shoot in manual, but for those times I get a little extra help and it pays off with a great shot almost always...which is what it is all about, right? You did a great job with the editing!

  9. oh wow what alot of beautiful photos your little girl is a real cutie! I am a new follower here and can't wait to see more and more of your posts :)

  10. Beautiful collages! Love your sweet girl and those orchids are gorgeous!

  11. Your April photos are amazing! You are very talented. your little girl is so beautiful :) I really like your blog and I'm following it. Would love a visit when you can @

  12. Ok, the smooshed up against the window pic is awesome! That orchid- have never seen one with so many colors. Beautiful.

  13. She's so cute and that orchid is beautiful! I just love them!

  14. OK, that's totally my favorite picture, too! What a cute smush-face!

  15. oooo your flower pictures are beautiful!! Love her nose smashed on the screen:). And darling swing pictures. I know what you mean about the blur with the moving swings! Your shots are great!

  16. Elena,

    I may or may not have stalked both of your blogs today. :o Your little girl is adorable and your pics are amazing.
    Love your fave. Too cute for words.
    Susan @avagracescloset

  17. Beautiful as usual :) I'm so glad she loves her Auntie's swings! Wee....

  18. Love the smushy nose picture! Oh my gosh! Kids are the best at looking silly and funny! :)

  19. Oh my! How adorable is she with her face pressed up against the screen?! Priceless. I call my grandgirl Peanut too! And I must say, your orchid shots are stunning.

  20. lol! love the scrunched on the screen face :) too cute. Thanks for stopping by earlier today :)

  21. So cute with his nose smashed the glass... and your orchids are beautiful!
