May 8, 2012

New Pics… More Freebies and a Photo Challenge

Do you know how I drafted this post?  With Alivia in my lap moving around as if she had ants in her pants.  She was grabbing my glasses, playing with my hair, and calling out parts of the face.  Eyes, nose, ears, cheeks, etc.  She has been crazy clingy lately.  I have no idea what’s going on.  She has been crying if I don’t hold her.  She has been getting very upset even if I get up to get a drink, go to the bathroom, anything that requires me to be away from her if even for a couple seconds.  This is like separation anxiety to the extreme.  Now I have to get up and get her some water.  Wait for it.  Can you hearr the wailing?  I can’t carry her with me everywhere, she is way too heavy for her little mama.  Seriously, I’m 93 lbs. and she is about 24 lbs.  Shall I do the math?  She is more than a quarter of my weight!  To say I’m weak would be putting it mildly.  I lack upper body strength badly.  You should see the size of my scrawny arms.  Don’t mind me while I rag on myself!

Okay I’m done now.  Anyhow, the reason for this post you ask?  I just wanted to let you all know that I posted some more freebies to my Freebies page which you can find HERE.  Among them, my friends, is the Polaroid.  I don’t know what it is about the polaroid that just makes a picture ten times cooler.  I hope you like them and ENJOY!

Vintage Polaroid

Basic White Polaroid WDS 900px Sample

Vintage Polaroid of LivvyRusty Polaroid DSWTB 600pxCOLivvy Polaroid3

Some new pictures too…

013 RSWM 5512
024 RSWM 5512

035 RSWM

039 RSWM 5512

040 RSWM 5512

045 RSWM 5512

046 RSWM 5512

049 RSWM 5512

051 RSWM 5512

Yes, you did see the words ‘photo challenge’ in my post title.  I also wanted to link up the following photo to Sweet Shot Tuesdays over at My 3 Boybarians.  I love her expression here with the tongue hanging out of her mouth.  She cracks me up!  She’s such a little entertainer!

037 RSWM 5512May 2012 Collage

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect Gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you like what you’ve read, please feel free to join the site.


  1. My 2yr4mth old girl is SO into me too! NO DADDY NO DADDY ONLY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY! It's tiring! ha.

    Thanks for stopping by to check out Baby Sophie!

  2. the polaroid is still so very cool. alivia is a doll--those lashes. oh my.

  3. What a sweet display of photos of your daughter! She has the cutest faces she makes! Aww!
