May 5, 2012

A Fix for Posting Issues and a Photo Challenge

I’m seriously afraid to jinx myself here, but I feel the need to say “I think I figured out a fix for my posting issues.”  Wait, let me knock on wood. 

So here’s the deal.  And before you get too excited, I should clarify one thing.  I think I figured out a fix for my posting issues within Windows Live Writer.  Unfortunately this fix did not work in the Blogger interface.  If you haven’t read my Issues with Posting and Why Isn’t it Working posts and you are currently experiencing issues with the Blogger interface, please feel free to read them HERE and HERE to catch up.  If you already read them, than guess what?  I think I found a fix.  Not sure it is going to work for everyone but I thought I’d share my findings anyway.  Okay, so are you ready?  Originally I was formatting my posts with justified paragraphs.  I don’t remember what made me remove the justification (maybe pure desperation) but I did and wouldn’t you know that since I haven’t experienced any problems.  Again I’m knocking on wood.  What, I’m not superstitious.  Anyhow, now that I’ve been able to whip Windows Live Writer into shape, I highly recommend it.  You will have way more control and flexibility over your post content.

Now for the real reason I’m posting this late on a Saturday night.  I wanted to link up my favorite photo of April to The Paper Mama Photo Challenge.  If you’ve been reading my posts, I’m sorry to do this to you but, yes, it’s this picture again.  I’ve linked it up many times!  I just love this shot so much!

014 RSWM 412

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you like what you’ve read, please feel free to join the site.


  1. So glad you figured it out! (fingers crossed!)

    I could never get tired of this sweet shot! LOVE it, soooo cute!!

    Hey... I would love to invite ya to link your fav photo of the week to our little photo challenge!

  2. She is a cutie! I would share this shot several times as well! :) Great picture! :D
