May 4, 2012

Shoot. Edit. Submit, Fabulous Friday, and FIF at IHF

What is wrong with me?  Seriously?  I link up to Shoot. Edit. Submit every Friday and here I am this morning already visiting other blogs to leave comments thinking that I am done posting for the day.  It’s been a crazy week with just me and the little one at home and the hubby off on a business trip in Sin City.  Yeah all of my weeks are crazy, how can they not be with a toddler, but this one was especially busy and exhausting. 

Anyhow, so here it is!  The picture that I am linking up to the Shoot. Edit. Submit. photo challenge over at Mom Tried It.  I thought I’d also link up to Fabulous Friday over at McDougall Photography.  It’s my baby.  I think I must have about a thousand profile shots of Alivia, but this new one just may be my favorite!

060 RSWM

Another favorite of mine, the Fix-it Friday photo challenge over at I Heart Faces.  The original image from Paige Ewing was featured in a"Before & After" Tutorial on I Heart Faces.   If you are interested in reading, be sure to hop on over there to see all of the edits she used to enhance this photo.  The first shot is the original and second shot is my edit.  It was a gorgeous picture to begin with so I didn’t do much processing.  The bride’s skin was fantastic too!  So here’s what I cooked up in PSE.

1. Brightened a tad.
2. Boosted contrast which made her eyes pop.
3. Used a hair and eye pop action from paint the moon.
4. Used the twinkle eye action to lighten the irises of her eyes slightly. 
5. Used the spot healing brush to clean up the eyeliner on the right eye (her left).
6. Added a subtle vignette (more to tone down the edges of the photo than to darken them to bring your eye in to the center of the picture).
7. Oh and I almost forgot.  I used the skin smoother action from Paint the Moon to smooth out some of the fine lines around her eyes and on her forehead.

FIF original RS


As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you like what you’ve read, please feel free to join my site.


  1. Beautiful shot of your precious little girl.

    And nice edit on the bride. Yes, gorgeous skin.

  2. Oh! LOVE the sweet profile shot of GORGEOUS little Alivia. So soft & pretty! My honey has been out of town on business too, but THANK goodness is on his way home today! Let me just tell ya... mama needs an adult beverage... and a little alone time!

    Beautiful edit, btw!

  3. Precious little girl! I love profile shots!

  4. Beautiful edit! It's been a while since I've done a fix it Friday, but I may have to get back into it with this stunning shot!

  5. (Following you on Google Friend)

  6. Beautiful profile shot!! And I think your edit is just lovely ;)

  7. Thanks for following me too :) I love the profile shot of your little girl, she has such a cute face.
