June 28, 2011

New Pics (Week 3)

Woo hoo I'm excited to share some new pictures!  I was out all weekend with the view finder glued to my eye.  Well, you would have thought it was glued.  I came out from behind it only when absolutely necessary which was to eat a watermelon twizzler and some of my mother-in-laws stuffed cabbage and in that order too!  My submission for Quotography Summer at {My} Perspective is below. 

This is my baby sitting in her daddy's lap at the pool.  It would have been nice to get some pictures of them in the water but the pool temperature was ICE cold.  I sat on the pool stairs and dunked her little piggies in the water but she wasn't having it!  Smart girl!  I wasn't getting in either.  Daddy held her the rest of the time in his arms as he walked around the shallow end.  At least she got out of the house and enjoyed the fresh air even though she was congested and cutting a tooth.  My poor baby!

Quotography at {My}Perspective

For Touch Up Tuesday at Paper Heart Camera is the picture below.

My SOOC shot was pretty good I think.  In my edit, I just added a bit of warmth and a texture and frame to give it that vintage feel.  I'm usually not a big fan of my own flower shots, but I'm likin' this one!

Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

Below is my submission for Sweet Shot Tuesday at My 3 Boybarians.

Yes, another flower shot.  I think it's sweet in black and white with just that bit of yellow pop.

Sweet Shot Day

Lastly, my submission for 52 Weeks of Happiness at Leigh vs. Laundry. 

What makes me happy is sunshine and warmth especially after a week of rain and clouds.  It gives me the opportunity to enjoy beautiful things like the lake. 


  1. You've got so many beautiful shots in this post that I lost count. Great work!

  2. These are all gorgeous! And I don't blame your little one. I wouldn't have gotten in that cold water either!

  3. Love these shots. The edited flower is awesome.

  4. They are all great shots. Love your vintage frames.

  5. Your first shot is so adorable. I love the subtle softness of the color and the quote is perfect! Heck, I like all your shots!
