June 24, 2011

Finally Friday!

This is my submission for the photo challenge at Project Alicia.  Can you guess the theme?  Nope it's not cute.  and it's not adorable.  It's not gorgeous.  Okay, okay it's YELLOW.

My submission for Favorite Photo of the Week at Through a Photographer's Eyes is the first picture in the series below.  I couldn't help it, I had a few favorites! 

Lastly, but surely not least, my submission for Fabulous Friday over at Mcdougall Photography.


  1. What a cutie pie! Thanks for stopping by my blog! It really made my day!

  2. Hi!
    She's adorable! I can see why you couldn't take just one. Have a great day!

    Food for Thought

  3. Oh my...she's gorgeous. Great shots!

    Hope you have a blessed day♥

  4. She has gorgeous eyes (and is wearing yellow)! Lovely captures!

  5. i love the last photo... no, i love them all :)

  6. Yellow. Cute. Gorgeous. Call it what you'd like. It's a great shot! Thank so much for joining Alicia and I for the Crazy Days of Summer Photo Challenge. I hope you'll join us again next week when we move on to a new them, LIGHT. Have a great weekend with that gorgeous little girl of yours. :)

  7. Omg! That's just too much cuteness for words.

  8. She is such a beautiful child and you photograph her so well. I'm not sure I'll ever get tired of seeing her beautiful face.

  9. Well, I'm sure she's adorable in any shade. Thanks so much for sharing your yellow shot for our Crazy Days of Summer!

  10. She is TOOOOOO cutesie-poo!!! :) And congrats! You're still a new mommy! Just like married couples are "newlyweds" until that first year goes under their belt, same applies for children. ;) Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day: your commentary left a smile on my face! :)

  11. Love the yellow...her eyes are so amazing:)

