June 23, 2011

New Pics (Week 2 cont.) again

More pictures to add to my collection.  Unfortunately I had to use a flash on some of these shots because, again, it is dark, dreary, and raining over here.  Who needs the sun anyway?  I sure don't.  Alivia brightens my days!  She's all I need.

The prompt for this photo shoot?  Like I need a reason other than I love to shoot!  I do have one though.  I was reading a post by Ashley Sisk at Ramblings and Photos and clicked on a link that she provided to 10 Reasons You Should Be Shooting RAW.  It was a very good read.  In case you'd like to check it out, I included the link to her post here.  I was looking forward to editing a RAW image for the first time but didn't have much luck.  When I tried to open the RAW image in PSE it brought up a message that it didn't support this type of file.  Is it true that only PhotoShop supports these files? 

Anyway, I still had fun and got some great pictures.  I have not given up.  I have to spend some time researching to find out more about shooting RAW.  I'll be back!

1 comment:

  1. These are great - I especially love the black and whites. So here's the deal with PSE and RAW. Look up your camera model, Adobe Camera Raw and Photoshop Elements (# included). You may need to update your properties and if you want...email me and I'll see if I can help. It's annoying the first time but it'll be worth it. Promise.
