June 23, 2011

Over the hump and on to Thursday

Here is my submission for the Before & After Blog Hop at Pixel Perfect and Texture Thursday at The Daily Wyatt.

My SOOC picture settings are:
Shutter Speed: 40
ISO: 400
Aperture: F6.3
No Flash

For my edit, I did a bunch of things using two different programs.  In Picnik, I adjusted exposure, brightened eyes, and used the wrinkle remover for under her eyes.  From Paint the Moon, I used a Soft B&W action where I added a touch of warmth.  Lastly, I added a Rock Texture and Vintage Frame from Paint the Moon also.

The Daily Wyatt


  1. I love the conversion. So pretty!

  2. It's just lovely! She is a cue-T-PIE! Your edit is perfect.

  3. Yes the conversion is FAB!!! Love how the eyes pop and how sharp she is.

  4. beautiful! such a great shot!

  5. Goodness.... just beautiful! Nicely done!

  6. Oh, your edit is so soft and beautiful! :)
