June 28, 2011

New Pics (Week 3 cont.)

I took about 500 pictures this past weekend and chose my favorites to share below.  It was a crazy weekend.  My husband and I took Livvy to Laconia, Weirs Beach, to see his family.  They have a summer place there.  I was so excited to get out of the house but more importantly for Livvy to get out of the house.  The rain had us inside for a good seven days and I'm pretty sure we were both going stir crazy!  Even Sunday, the day we chose to drive up North, wasn't all that great out.  It was very cloudy with only occasional breaks of sunshine.  We put our faith in these breaks of sunshine and decided to head up North anyway.  We arrived late morning and it was still cloudy and definitely not warm enough to take the kids down to the beach.  The water in the lakes region was always super cold even on a hot and humid day.  Since it wasn't raining we did, however, get to enjoy the outdoors and breath in the fresh air.  Our patience eventually took us into mid-afternoon where the sun began to shine through.  Not only did the sun come out but the temperature seemed to have changed drastically.  It went from being almost raw outside to heat and humidity and we found ourselves becoming hot and sticky.  The lake seemed like the perfect remedy.  Initially I didn't bring my camera down to the beach as I wanted to enjoy the water and not have to worry about it being stolen, getting wet, etc., but I couldn't let this opportunity pass.  I clicked away at almost everything, but mostly, of the hubby holding Livvy and just family in general!  Once the clicking started, I was unable to stop.  I took pictures of almost everything! 

I had to break this post into sections so that it didn't just seem like a bunch of randomness.


2. A birdhouse or two or three

3. Flowers

4. Around the lake...

5.  Back at our pool

6.  Random shots taken in the house

7. Random pics around the house


  1. WOW! Lots of awesome photos. I love that birdhouse.

  2. Beautiful shots...looks like a wonderful trip!


  3. Okay, those kids are adorable - and I love how you got their personality. :) Very cool. And I also love the chairs stacked. Something about colorful inanimate objects, I am drawn to them. Great!

  4. Oh I don't even know where to begin! I'll just stick with the babies...they are just beautiful! Love the dark curly hair and big brown eyes. Great captures!
