June 29, 2011

Can't think of a catchy post title...

Here is my submission for the Little Somethings Photo Challenge.  It was difficult to choose only one Fave Photo from June but here it is.  It's pretty simple, I know, but for some reason I just love it.  I think it looks great in this vintage frame and matches well with her sun hat!  You kind of wonder what she is looking down at. 

Out of all the photo challenges, I love the Edit Me one most!  It's funny how I find myself thinking about it the day before wondering what the next SOOC shot that I will have a chance to edit will be.  This seemed like the perfect shot for our upcoming 4th of July holiday!  The below is my submission for the Edit Me Photo Challenge at My Reflection of Something.  I rotated and cropped it a bit.  I also adjusted the color and added a cool 4th of July Red, White, and Blue effect from Picnik.  It may be a tad over processed, but I wanted to try something different. 

SOOC provided by My Reflection of Something:

Retouched Version:

For my submission for the The Long Road to China's Black and White Wednesday, I chose the shot below.  I just took it today.  I love the Classic Black & White action from Paint the Moon.  It's so bright and beautiful!


  1. Love your favorite shot and I really love your last shot. Nicely done with the edit.

  2. Your little girl is adorable!

    I love the last b/w shot! Beautiful processing. :)

  3. Very nice photos! I love the ones of the babies! Just lovely! :)

