July 30, 2013

The Grab a Friend Blog Hop!

Hey there!  So glad you stopped by and I hope you’ll link up to our Grab a Friend Blog Hop!  Before you do, though, let me fill you in on some things that have been going on over here! If you like jewelry you may want to check out, Tarnished Royalty: Jewelry to Cherish!  Ann hand crafts one of kind statement pieces that you really must check out! 
Additionally, if you haven’t entered my July Sponsor Giveaway for a chance to win some amazing prizes including FREE ad space, design services, and a gift card, there is still time to enter!  And if you haven’t linked up to The Happy Aloha Friday Blog Hop, feel free to check that out as well!  So much to do; so little time! 
And just in case that’s not enough for you, I thought I’d remind you of my fabulous 30% off promotion on any size ad spot on Cropped Stories when you use the code CELEBRATING (in all CAPS) at checkout!  Feel free to visit my ADVERTISE page for more information! 
Grab a Friend
Welcome to the weekly blog hop, Grab A Friend.
Link up here, answer a question, grab a blogger and be friends!

Every week this hop is created with lots of love + fun. So be sure to join and share it to more peeps so everyone can catch up and our little event can be larger with loads of friends ;)

Want to co-host? Shoot me en Email or check Sponsor.
                                                            Blog  | Twitter  | GFC | Bloglovin'      Blog | Twitter | GFC | Bloglovin'

Elena from Cropped Stories
Blog | Bloglovin' | Twitter
Amanda from Rhyme & Ribbons
Rhyme & Ribbons
Blog | Bloglovin' | Twitter

Victoria from Lost in Boston
When you go to follow your hosts , leave the answer to make their day + a bloggy present.
We all would love to share love back {will follow you back, woot}.

This hop is for finding new friends & bloggy mates, so be sure to go and find yourself one.
I am so happy cheery to see you all linking up with us every Tuesday. Yip-yip, you're rah-king.
If you want some Twitter-holic bloggy mates so link up, hop around & grab some tweeeeeeeeter sweeties. 
Shoot random tweets to each other, enjoy your time peeps.

Q : The book you're never going to read again?

I bought a vintage book named "Pretties" by Linda Lauren. Seriously, I was in a kind of pain just after I finished reading that book. It was about a girl (silly, lame, stupid guuurrrl) who made JUST MISTAKES. Books are suppose to have a good message, right?


I hated the book Storm Dancer's glass edition. I truly didn't know what was wrong with it, but it was frustrating. DUH!

I can't read any type of novel more than once; even if it was remarkable! How can I when I know what's going to happen at the end?
I know I'm going to get a lot of slack for this but I really disliked "Eat, Pray, Love". Everyone had said such great things about it and then I read it for a book club and was anti-moved. But that's just me!

Now it's your turn!



My featured sponsors:


  1. Thanks so much for an awesome linkup and hope you are having a great day so far!! :)

  2. I will defiantly check out the jewelry and enter the giveaway! :)

    I would never read Dear John again, it made me cry like a baby and I know the ending, so no point! :)

    Amanda @ Happily Ever After http://www.karlshappilyeverafter.blogspot.com/

  3. Thanks for co-hosting! Newest follower :) Your blog is so cute! Hope you stop on by!


  4. Whoa, I feel so late to the game. This looks awesome!! I'll check out as much as I can, in between sick baby naps.

  5. Thanks for hosting. I linked up my blog by accident on Twitter on #49 and I can't delete it I can only pin. :(
