July 29, 2013

Tarnished Royalty: Jewelry to Cherish

If you like jewelry (or perhaps are a jewelry addict like myself),  I have a special treat for you today!  I don’t know about you, but I can’t go anywhere without jewelry and when it comes to choosing a piece, I’m all about making a statement!  If you like unique pieces that make a statement, I have a feeling you are going to love the one of kind hand crafted pieces that Ann over at Tarnished Royalty designs herself from bits of old hardware, lace, broken jewelry, and other found objects.  Ann loves to reclaim weathered objects and transform them into original pieces of art.  Each and every product that Ann designs has a little part of her and lots of love poured into it!   

If you missed my previous introductory post on Ann, feel free to catch up HERE.  She is one of my July sponsors!  Even more important, she just happens to be one of my first sponsors ever so I’m extremely excited to be sharing some additional tidbits about Ann with you today!


Jewelry by Tarnished Royalty
Jewelry by Tarnished Royalty

I had fun asking her a handful of random questions including:

Q: What is your favorite season?
A: Fall

I see we have some things in common.  Fall is, without a doubt, my favorite season also!  I know I’ve said it hundred times before, but there is nothing better than crisp temperatures, dressing in layers, foliage, the smell of burning wood, s’mores, Halloween, etc.

Q: What is your favorite holiday?
A: Easter

I love Easter because it marks the beginning of warmer temperatures!

Q: If you had the opportunity to start over and choose another profession, what would you choose to do?
A: I have always thought about social work, and I think my perfect fit would be to work as an art therapist…or wait, no, a Fashion Designer!

This was a tough question and I love that you’re interested in many things! 

Q: If you could choose one super power, what would it be and why?
A: Flying, definitely flying.

I’m definitely with you on this one! I would love to fly also, specifically soar like a seagull!

Q: Do you have any hobbies and if so, can you list two of them?
A: I love to ride my bike and play ping pong.  But not at the same time.

Whew, it’s a good thing Ann; you had me worried for a second!

Q: If you’re a blogger, why do you like to blog?
A: Design, fashion, and the hearts of women are things I’ve always been passionate about. Through blogging I can share what I know and love while nurturing the inner Fashionista in the woman that visit.

There’s nothing better than doing something you’re passionate about!

Q: Is there a specific post of product you’re especially proud of? Can you briefly describe it and tell us why?
A: The unveiling of my newsletter.

I can see why you’d be excited about this, it’s a huge accomplishment!  Congratulations!

Interested in connecting with Ann?  I’m sure she would love to hear from you!

- Subscribe to her newsletter,
- like her Facebook Fan page, or
- follow her on Pinterest.

Speaking of sponsors, did you guys enter my July Sponsor Giveaway for a chance to win some fun prizes including FREE ad space, design services, and more?  Don’t worry, there’s still time to enter!

If you missed my previous post, The Happy Aloha Friday Blog Hop, I hope you’ll stop by and link up! 

Don’t forget to come back tomorrow for The Grab a Friend Blog Hop I’m co-hosting with Areeba from Aree with Umbrella

On a final note; Interested in ADVERTISING with Cropped Stories?  It’s a great time to purchase space as I’m currently offering 30% off when you use the promo code CELEBRATING (in all CAPS) at checkout.  It’s good for all size ad space!  For more information, feel free to visit my ADVERTISE page!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Monday and I’ll catch you later!

My featured sponsors:


  1. Wow, love her jewelry and I am with you would love to take one of each!! :)

  2. Beautiful pieces with a great feature!

  3. Funny - to love fall for the crisp temperatures and to have Easter as a favorite holiday for the warmer temperatures. I totally love both for the same reason - just the changes from the heat or the cold.
    The jewelry is so beautiful and I definitely would fly for a superpower.

  4. what a gorgeous jewelry :)
    Nice to see your blog ;)
