May 2, 2013

Spot the Differences (a game for Friday)!

Take a look to the right of this post.  See anything different?  Yes, that poll is new!  Since I constantly wonder obsess about what topics interest my readers the most, I thought what better way to find out than a poll!  If you have time, I’d greatly appreciate your participation.  I’m very curious to see the results at the end of the week!  More importantly, I can’t wait to start publishing content that will appeal to you personally!

Now onto the fun stuff!  If you’re here for my Spot the Differences game, than you’re in luck!  Yep, I have another one for you today.  This time with 8 differences.  Think you’re up for the challenge?  All you have to do is click on the OPEN NEW WINDOW text below to view it at it’s original LARGER size!  Oh, and don’t forget to drop me a comment.  My favorite part is finding out how many you get!  If you get stumped, no worries.  Just click on the answer key.  No cheating though!  Good Luck!


Spot the Differences 050313


On a different note, have you guys heard of THE BLOG HANGOUT?  It’s a fabulous resource for bloggers.  You can find all kinds of great and helpful posts on there including: blogging and social media tips and tutorials.  I’m so excited to be a contributor to the site!  I hope you’ll check out my first post Organizational Tips for your Blog!

Before I can leave you…

Just one shot of my little one!  Can you stand the hat? 

5293 tire swing toned RS

If you missed my last post Just Images, by all means check it out!  

Okay, that’s all I have for you guys today!  Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!


  1. Found your blog through the hop and now following. Your blog is great and your little girl is gorgeous! I am definitely going to bookmark the Blog Hangout! Thanks!

    TesoriBelle on Bloglovin

  2. Okay I cheated, I looked at the answer key! Lol

  3. Hi Elena. Thanks for following and commenting on my site. Your little girl is adorable. I liked spotting the differences although I only could find 6. Am now following you thru GFC and Bloglovin. Have a wonderful weekend!

    I Create Purty Thangs

  4. Hi Elena,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I like your blog too and I am following you by Bloglovin. Have a great weekend, Darlene

  5. I love your blog!! And your layout! I may bug you at a later time about blog design stuff! :) Great stuff!! :)

  6. Oh my! I can only spot two differences ahhh! But I'm determined not to look at the answer key until I've found them all! Cool post !! x

  7. I'm bad at this game... only spotted 2! :)

  8. I'm your newest follower via the Aloha Blog Hop (GFC)-I hope you stop by and say hi :)

  9. Love the cute! Seriously I must find all 8 things that a different....I MUST!!

    Thanks so much for following Mice In The Kitchen...I am also following you!

    Laura :)

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog today! Looking forward to following you back. :)

  11. I only got 4! I am not getting any better....
    Love the picture, that hat is adorable.

    Have A Great Week-End.


  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm now following yours! I love this game, what a great idea! I only found 6 so far, but I'm determined to find the rest.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. These games were always so fun ... I remember always doing them in the Highlights magazines! Reagan will love it!
    And your little one is ridiculous in that hat!
    So cute!

    (¸¤ Lanaya | xoxo

  14. Following you back from the hop! Sorry it took so long...your post went to my spam because of all the links and I forgot to check there! Thanks so much for following!
    Eva @ Snappee Turtle

  15. Your daughter takes the best pictures.

    I saw a Sandra Boynton book in there. Love her!

  16. thanks for stopping by close tohome, I am happy to return the favor and follow you back.

  17. Thanks for stopping by "Love, Granny" today! I always love to see new followers & am now your new follower. I look forward to reading through your previous posts ... love your site :)

  18. New follower of your lovely blog on Bloglovin and GFC!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  19. Loved you post on The Blog Hangout. I have binders for many things and love them for organizing. Following you on Bloglovin' & Twitter.

  20. Thank you for the comment on my blog :) following you back on GFC and Bloglovin :)

    Zara (Bows and Pearls)

  21. So fun! I love this! I'm over from my Monday Mingle Hop! Thank you for linking up with us :)
