May 1, 2013

Just images!

Okay, I’m going to be honest, sometimes (and only when I'm lost for words which let's face it isn't often if you know me well), I actually like Wordless Wednesday and will use it as an intermission (so to speak) between blog posts.  It's the only time I feel like I can get away with not having anything to say, share, or contribute!  I'm sure as a blogger, you can relate knowing the challenge of coming up with interesting content to post every day of the week.  So, being that I haven't taken advantage of a Wordless Wednesday in quite some time, I'm using this Thursday as my intermission.  Nothing to say really.  No points to make. Nothing exciting or new to share.  No tips or tutorials.  No freebies.  Just images.  Now that I can do!

toddler eating strawberries

Digital tape courtesy of The Coffeeshop Blog.

If you missed my previous post Free set of Number FLASHCARDS, I hope you'll check it out!

PhotobucketLittle by Little


  1. Oh my goodness your kid is cute! What a lovable face. She makes me want to get up and eat strawberries! Haha!

  2. Gorgeous shots! Don't you love The Coffeeshop Blog? The tape is genius! Thanks for stopping by my corner of the web!

  3. what a cutie! the format of your post!

    am a new follower here! via linking up with the ladies

    hope you can follow back

  4. What a doll! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Following you back via google and bloglovin'.

  5. Great images! I like the angle from which you shot it.

  6. Gorgeous pictures, what a stunning daughter you have!! Thank you for the comment and follow! I love your blog! Now following you via GFC & Bloglovin! xx

  7. These are so worth the share! What a cutie! I love her big beautiful eyes!

  8. Look at that happy girl! SHe loves her strawberries like Julianna does! :) Gosh she is getting to be such a big girl - wow! Time's flying! And I love the coffeeshop freebies too - I totally love their actions - I still need to actually buy some really good ones but for now - coffeeshop will do :) And your freebies are fabulous as well - didn't want to leave that out!

  9. She's so very cute and I share her love of strawberries. :)

  10. Hi I'm from Simply Dream & Create. Thanks for stoping over and following my blog! I accidentally
    deleted the comment you left but thanks you for following and I will share the love!

  11. Beautiful photos - she has such a wonderfully expressive face!

  12. Following you, too! Thanks for stopping by!

    You're little girl is absolutely adorable! Soooo cute!


  13. Soooo cute! You don't need to say much with those images!

    My Imperfect...

  14. Thanks for your comment on our blog! I love your pictures here, your daughter is SUPER cute!!!

  15. She is absolutely beautiful! She does make strawberries look good. Even though I am not a fan of that berry. If she was on the package I would by it anyway lol. You are now being followed.

  16. These pictures are super cute! I love all the emotions over strawberries. :-)

  17. She's so incredibly adorable! Bet those strawberries were yummy. =0)

  18. Her expressions are adorable!

  19. She is so adorable! Looks like she was enjoying that snack!

  20. awesome photos !! thanks for popping over to my blog im now following you back via GFC,Bloglovin and Pinterest,

  21. Thank you for following my blog at *Live, Laugh, Love* I am actually already following you :) I also like your facebook page as well and following you on Google+ & Pinterest :) Have a great night!

  22. Such adorable photos! She is just too cute! New follower!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof
