I’m so excited! She did pee pee in the potty yesterday! She asked to sit on the potty which she’s done many times before. Mostly she just sits on it and doesn’t go but I love the interest she’s been showing. Yesterday, however, she was all business. The minute she sat down I could hear her going. I jumped for joy and smothered her with kisses! Throughout the day I had randomly asked her if she’d like to try going on the potty again, but she didn’t seem too interested. I explained to her that she went in the potty one time yesterday and that today it might be fun to try going two times (as I held up two fingers for her). I figured once she went twice, than I would offer some type of reward. I promised her a call to Santa and the Easter Bunny to make sure they knew how good she had been. She loves to listen to me talking to Santa (yeah, it’s not my first time talking to Santa)! My plan is to get her to go in the potty one more time than she did the day before until eventually she is only using the potty. Not sure how it’s going to turn out, but I have high hopes and a lot of faith that she can do it. We’ll see. I’ll try to keep you posted and let you know if it works!
Other items worth mentioning!
1. She uses an adult size fork and spoon and holds them correctly.
2. She eats over her dish.
3. She wipes her own mouth and hands with her napkin.
4. When she asks for things, she says please.
5. For a 2 1/2 year old, she uses “thank you” quite frequently.
6. When she needs something moved she’ll say “excuse me” (even if it’s a stationary object). Too funny.
7. She cleans up her toys.
8. She gives kisses and hugs when asked which, can I be honest, is just about every minute.
9. She sings the alphabet no problem (of course she goes from K to M than to O; she leaves out poor L & N).
10. She can count to 13.
11. She’s fantastic at memory games. I have some great phone applications on my cell phone that she uses including:
a. Animal matching for kids
b. Kids memory game lite
c. Kids memory game
a. Animal matching for kids
b. Kids memory game lite
c. Kids memory game
12. She knows left from right. I can’t take credit for this one. Her Daddy loves to teach her!
Currently, we are working on how to hold a crayon correctly and to not put so much pressure on it when she colors. I think she is realizing that she has more control over the crayon this way. She is also learning to differentiate between the lines that separate the different shapes in her coloring books (like a shirt, pants, hair, etc.) . I try to remind her to use different colors for each object! She’s even doing a better job with staying in the lines. Check out Dora!
I feel like I hit the jackpot with her! I have no idea how I lucked out! She is just too amazing for words! She is already growing up to be such a good, loving, well mannered, generous, sharing, kind, unselfish, and SMART little girl.
So, with all that said, I just wanted to say “Thanks God”! I’m so grateful and I feel fortunate every day!

They grow up fast!
ReplyDeleteYou're such a proud mom. We said goodbye to daipers about 3 weeks ago. There's still a few accidents every now and then but so far so good.
ReplyDeleteYou're such a proud mom. We said goodbye to daipers about 3 weeks ago. There's still a few accidents every now and then but so far so good.
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is adorable! So wonderful how you're documenting the stages of her life,... it makes me smile because I have a 27 month old :) They grow up much too fast...
ReplyDeleteYes, she is precious!!! I love all her little achievements. She is growing up so fast. Good luck potty training. Sounds like you are off to a good start. Calling Santa is hilarious. Good job mama! :)
ReplyDeleteOh yay!! We got the potty a couple weeks ago (J has shown zero interest so far) - We ask her every few weeks if she wants to stop using diapers and go on the potty - and I get "NO MAMA". But once she saw the potty, and she got a little excited, I think more so because she loves any gift for her! We put it on the toilet and she climbed up on her stool to get up there - but that was it. She got scared and freaked out. It has to be scary for kids to transition over. So - whatever. We'll try again in a few weeks if she wants. It's a process and we're not forcing her. Good for Livi! She's such a big girl!! :) I hope she keeps it up!
ReplyDeleteLook at all the stuff she knows- good job mama! And I know I always say this - but they are like sponges and learn so fast- so much more than we give them credit for!! :)