March 20, 2013

4 free grunge frames for PS and PSE!

I have a little something different for you today!  I designed some new  frames in Photoshop!  Unfortunately I didn’t have any new pictures to use for my examples, but I wanted you to see them in use.  They are .psd files that can be opened in PS or PSE and are 850 px wide.  Once you open the file in your software, all you have to do is click on the ‘PLACE PHOTO HERE’ layer and go to File / Place to insert the image of your choice from your computer!  Hope you like them and if you are interested in some other goodies, be sure to stop by my Freebies page!

Also, if you missed my last post, I published a video tutorial on How to make eyes pop in Photoshop!
Blog Post 032013
I am also linking up to So What Wednesdays over at  Life after I Dew, so here it goes:
So what if…
- I could go to bed every night at 7:00 pm.  And probably fall asleep by 7:01 pm! 
- I could go days without eating, going to the bathroom, sleeping, etc. as long as I had my laptop!
- I consider skimming chapters of a book reading it.  I am a stay at home mother folks!  I’m lucky I have time to even skim.
- I use the Winter as an excuse not to get dressed during the day.  It’s too cold and snowy to go anywhere anyway!
- I can’t stop shopping for Livi’s Easter basket.  That it’s so big now that it blocks the entire entrance to my bedroom closet!
- I like to clothes shop several months in advance for a vacation we have planned in May.
- I ate honey graham crackers with Nutella for dinner just about every night this week.
- I think Tangled was such a cute movie and that Flynn is totally hot (for an animated character anyway)!
- I rather poke my eye out than read Miss Mary Mack anymore today!
- I play with the dress up phone app. that I downloaded for my tot!  It’s all good.  I published a post on 2 free phone applications for the kids if you are interested.
- I’m ignorant to the current events of the world.  I much rather sleep at night thank you very much!
- I get mad when some of the episodes of The Vampire Diaries don’t turn out the way I want them to.  So much that I will not watch it for a few weeks!  Yeah I’m a freak show!
Before I leave, and this is complete randomness, you have to see The Call with Halle Berry.  Only if you are into drama/suspense type movies.  It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time!
So much for Wordless Wednesday huh?
Life as we know it by PaulaLive and Love...Out LoudSo What Wednesday


  1. Love the hat, but your little girl in the hat is darling! Happy WW hope you can stop by Miniature Fairy Houses WW w/Linky

  2. I loved reading your so what list! That's what I say about all the weird things I do! So What lol.

    Happy WW!

  3. Nutella and grahams sound fantastic! I have heard a few other people say that about The Call too! I am surprised...I wouldn't have thought it would be that good! We will definitely need to check it out!

  4. Great list! I am pretty ignorant to current events too lol. I can't remember the last time I watched or read the news.
    Great frames, and cute photos of your daughter!
