March 17, 2013

Make eyes pop in Photoshop! (video tutorial)

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to make eyes in your images pop?  If so, I have a great video tutorial for you today!

Duration: 11 minutes
Software: Photoshop CS6
Level: Beginner-Intermediate

Touches on the following topics:

- duplicating layers
- dodge/burn tool
- layer opacity changes
- using filters (unsharp mask)
- creating layer masks
- inverting masks (to reveal effects)
- brush tool (using white to reveal)

My recommendations for viewing this video at it’s maximum quality.

1. Make sure the volume on the video is up (second icon/button from the right at the bottom of the video).
2. Make sure the volume on your computer is up.
3. Be sure to view in 720p HD (second icon/button on the left at the bottom of the video).
4. Viewing it with the large player, instead of full screen, comes in more crisp & clear (fifth icon/button on the left at the bottom of the video).

Just click anywhere on the image below and it will take you to YouTube!

Video Tutorial Intro Post 031813And some new pictures of a cute little girl!POST 031813

Scattered Horizonsmiscellany monday at lowercase letters
Before I leave you, are you just itching for a clickin’?  You know, just feel like clicking on something?  Something similar to a button that has the word LIKE on it?  If so, boy do I have a treat for you.  Feel free to visit my NEW Facebook Fan Page and LIKE away!  I don’t mind returning the favor so don’t forget to leave me a comment with your url and I’ll be sure to LIKE you right back!


  1. I left a comment and then it just disappeared? Any hoo, her new hat is adorable...of course I am a big sequin lover...frills give me chills♥ Now if I could get our little man to wear hats as well as she does☺

  2. Great tutorial and those eyes are amazing!
