February 20, 2013

This too shall pass

I’m loving tonight.  I finally got Alivia out of the house even if it was only for a couple of hours.  I think she’s been going a little stir crazy.  You’d never know it the way she keeps herself so busy and happy.  I’m lucky she is so independent especially these past few months I hadn’t been feeling well.  Unfortunately, I had been reduced to watching her from the couch.  While I rested, she would play.  It was getting a little depressing there for awhile having to watch and not being able to participate.  I’d find myself wiping tears from my eyes when she wasn’t looking.  I think I was a little sadder than I wanted to admit.  I guess that’s what illness will do to a person.  I just had to keep reminding myself that it was temporary. 

I’m happy to report that I’m feeling better though!  Tonight I am sipping some wine and celebrating!  Things are looking up!

This little face keeps me going!

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* frames courtesy of The Coffeeshop Blog!


  1. Sorry you weren't feeling well. Glad you are back! And they do need to get out, even when you give lots of attention! We try to go one or two places a day to help that...but lately I am on bed rest for mystery pain and I totally understand what you are saying. So hard. Love the "camera" pictures!

  2. p.s. I figured out how to remove those annoying boxes around photos.


    It worked for me, but I still use blogger.
