February 21, 2013

Free set of frames!

I think my post title says it all.  I just created the following frames and I’m so excited to share them with all of you!  Each frame is numbered below and correspond to the file names within the folder!  This will be my first time uploading an entire folder (instead of one file) to Google Drive so I hope the link works okay.  Please let me know if you have any trouble downloading.    
Download set of 7 frames HERE.
Oh, and for those of you that know of my image border woes (feel free to catch up here), I finally found a solution to remove borders from my images.  If you are having the same problem, you have to visit this site!  I used the CSS code because when I expanded the widget template the code they provided didn’t exist.
I also had to give a shout out to LeiShell at A Correll Collage who attached this same helplogger link in a comment to my previous post.  If I only read your comment first, I could have saved myself some time.  Thanks a bunch!
Also linking up the image below to the following photo challenges!
4036 RS
the long roadGive me your best shot at Better in Bulk PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. Thanks for the shout out! Great frames. Honestly, I love editing photos, and it is a must for my business, but rarely find time to make my own frames for them. Thanks for this. I also used one of your templates for instagram on my bloggy. Thank you!

  2. Love these! Thanks so much! Your daughter is so adorable :-)
