July 5, 2012

The Missing Link – Week 13

Have you ever felt like something was missing from your life? Well, it could just be one of the links below. Hence my post title! You may ask yourself "Is she serious?" Well the answer is "No, I'm definitely NOT serious." I'm just feeling silly. Seriously though, I thought I'd share some of my favorite links with you in an effort to spread the love. What's better is that I thought I'd make this post a weekly thang! No that isn't a typo. I told you I was feeling silly. So the links below may not complete your life, but I'm hoping they, in some way, add to it. I separated them into categories for easy navigation. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

1. I love creative shots!  If you do too, you have to check out ‘Creative Dad takes Crazy Photos of Daughters’.
2. Do you photograph weddings?  If so, this is such a great idea for a wedding photo!
3. Do it yourself tiny polaroid magnets!  How cool is that?
4. Did any of you happen to see this American Baby picture over at The Bonnie 5?  I love it!

1. The picture really doesn’t do this dress justice! I actually have it and it is just super cute and comfy! I must have gotten about 5 compliments on it!
2. Love these shoes at Marciano’s!

1. I saw these in person while the hubby and I were in Rockport, MA and they are just so sweet! 
2. I fell in love with this designer (specifically this beret) when I saw it in a little shop in Rockport, MA.  Unfortunately they didn’t have Livvy’s size so I will have to order HERE.
3. How great are these little masks for kids?  They’d make a great photo prop too!
4. I am in love with this article of clothing by Persnickety for Livvy! 
5. What a great idea to store sandwiches!  Lunch skins at The Pottery Barn Kids!
6. This tent tutorial is awesome!  And how pretty are they?
7. I just love this belted shirt waist dress by Guess!

1. Into crafts and DIY? If so, this website is incredible!
2. I love the idea of these his & her rings! So cute!
3. Also, incase you missed it.  For a free Vacation Packing List printable, click HERE and New Baby List printable, click HERE.  For some free collages, click HERE and HERE.  Enjoy!

Guest Bloggers Lined Up

As a reminder, I’m going to be on vacation starting this Saturday ‘till the 13th.  I have a few great guest bloggers lined up for the beginning of the week!  If you are all about the yummy food (like I am), I think you may want to come back next week for some delicious recipes!  If you are into learning new things, I’ll have a tutorial or two also.  In the meantime, feel free to hop on over to the following bloggy sites to meet these lovely ladies!  I also wanted to take the time to give a big THANKS to Kyna, Becky, and Skye for making a little appearance on my site!  You girls are the BEST! 

Monday, the 9th:  Kyna over at Great Expectations,
Tuesday, the 10th:  Becky over at Finding my Creativity, and
Wednesday, the 11th:  Skye over at First Time Mama First - Time Blogger

and my rest of the week posting schedule:

Thursday, the 12th:  Google Drive Tutorial and free printable
Friday, the 13th:  The Missing Link – Week 14

I thought I’d leave you with this cutie…

We love this surprised face on Livvy so much!  It makes us crack up.  Normally when you ask her to make this face, she will not do it, but I was lucky this time!  Mommy snapped that picture at just the right time too!  I also wanted to link it up to the following photo challenges:

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the long road Happily Mother After

I also had to share these pictures of my hubby!  I was so happy with how they turned out.  They were a little over exposed for my liking but I was able to darken them up a tad.  Thank heavens the highlights weren’t blown out.  Now, I don’t know about you ladies, but I love me a scruffy man!  Yeah baby!

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  1. Love your missing links, Elena. Thank you!
    What a precious photograph of Alivia, but then again, I've not seen one that isn't. She is truly such a beautiful child.

    Ok, the hubby photos...
    Would it be okay, if I just said, "WOW!!" ??????
    Trust me, that's putting it mildly. :-)

    You have a wonderful vacation!


  2. What a cool idea to take photos of you husband! May have to do that myself! Love the way they turned out!

  3. Great shots my friend- it's good to see the hubs make an appearance.

  4. Have a great vacation! I love this post. Such a fun idea.

  5. I love it when you do these! Have a great time on vaca!!! That is the most adorable capture of Livvy (have I told you how much I love that nickname?)!!!
    Great shots of the hubby as well! Love those b&ws!

  6. Those shoes. I want. them. I would have loved to guest post...but I can barely keep up with what I do right now!

  7. Thanks for the great links. Love those cute masks and the crafty site!

    Sweet shots too my friend! ;) Have a super vacation!

  8. The Creative Dad one was awesome!

  9. great photos. I love the black and white. Photography is a great way to use creativity.

  10. Okay...now we know the exact two reasons Livy is SO CUTE. Mommy and Daddy are adorable too!
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  11. I hope you're enjoying your vacation! When you're back - come look at the award that I nominated your for =)


  12. What a beautiful pictures and impressive blog you have! So fantastic!
