June 11, 2012

Web hosting + blog registration = confusion

I have a question today.  Does anyone out there use web hosting for their website?  Also, do you register your blog?  I’ve been doing research on these two topics and I’m still not understanding them completely.  Apparently a web host makes your website accessible on the world wide web.  This is strange.  The minute I created a domain name, I was accessible to everyone on the internet.  I’m not sure I get it.  Among providing accessibility though, hosting sites will provide you with various amounts of disk space to back up your content to.  Some hosting sites also provide security monitoring and advertising credits (which I’m still not quite sure what that is).  I don’t know about you but the back up services alone are enough reason for me to purchase services.  Does anyone know if Blogger does this already?  Back up your content? 
And why would you register your blog?  Is it for the sole purpose of marketing yourself or does it have other benefits as well?  God I’m confused!  It seems like registering your blog allows  people to find your website on search engines more easily.  I could be misunderstanding though.  Not sure.  I welcome clarification!  Anyone?  Anyone?  Bueller?  (Sorry had to throw that in there).  If you haven’t seen Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, you are missing out!
Anyhow, hope that made you smile on a Monday!   Now onto my pictures.  I’m linking this first shot up to the following photo challenges.  I love when Alivia sleeps!  It’s about the only time that picture taking is easy for me.  Besides, I just love the peacefulness it exudes.  You got to love the opened mouth too!  How freakin’ cute right?  As my mother would say “you catching flies”?
001 in BaW RSWM
 PhotobucketSweet Shot Dayand<br /> then, she {snapped}happy jax
002 in RSWM
My mom just got a new plant for the front of her house.  I just love yellow! 
And if you look closely you can see that one bead of water on the left hand side!
022 RSWM

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Domain security must be consider while taking any web hosting services for your web site they must provide complete security to you site and Blog.
    Liberty Reserve Hosting

  2. Wordpress bloggers who want a custom design need to have a web host. Since you are running through blogger, you should need a web host, unless of course you want one.

  3. When you created your blog on blogger, blogger became the host (simplifying the matter completely). But say you went and bought a domain, you'd have to find a place to host your site, like for my work, we have a .net address, purchased the name domain, and found an it company to host. With that you can do SEO, which is for marketing and growing your site. Blogger packages it nicely, as do many other sites.

  4. Here's a good article on how to back up your blog. Google doesn't automatically do this for you.


  5. Awww...she looks so sweet!! Great shots.

  6. i love sleeping baby shots. I am technologically challenged - so not a help at all.

  7. Looking forward to read more comments on this... I am TOTALLY confused on all this! I do know that you can back up your blog on blogger... just type in back up blog in blogger help box & it will tell you exactly how.

    Oh Livvy didn't think you could get any cuter... but you did! LOVE the sleeping beauty pic mama!!

  8. Adorable pics. I wish I could sleep that soundly.

    As for the blog- I bought my domain through godaddy but blogger still hosts. I have purchased other domains through the same way- but for some reason blogger can't figure out how to link them all & so now I can't use them. I have not taken the several hours on the phone to work it out yet. As for back up- I usually just save my blog every few weeks & then back it up on the external. I'm thinking things should change a bit- but I'm just not sure what exactly I want to do.

  9. great question! would love to learn more too! and I so love those shots! just beautiful and she looks so peaceful!! :)

  10. I'm pretty much an internet idiot so I'm sorry I can't help you. I bought my domain through blogger via GoDaddy because I tried Wordpress and it made my head hurt. I didn't have the time to learn everything I would have had to learn to get comfortable with using it and fixing it if something went wrong.

    Glad to see the tips on backing up though. I have never done that. Guess I need to!

    Beautiful pics. LOVE those sleeping ones. Sweet!

  11. I don't know much about that...but Melissa is right...GoDaddy is the way to go. Loved the sleeping pics of her...so precious. And Ferris Bueller is one of my faves! haha

  12. Awww, how darling and adorable.. She is so cute.. Thanks SO much for linking to Finagle A Foto. Stopping in to say hello.. Wishing you a perfect evening.. xo ~ Marilyn.. (Officially a happy follower here.. ;)) Hope you can stop in sometime.. )

  13. I liked this post very much as it has helped me a lot in my research and is quite interesting as well. Thank you for sharing this information with us.
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  14. It is really a confusing topic especially to people who do not work in web hosting or SEO. Initially, you really should register your domain (or blog) name before trying to hire a hosing company. If you are hoping to increase traffic to your blog, a web host would be your best bet.

  15. Your girl is so lovely and adorable! Anyway, if you think of finding a web hosting provider, you should consider these important factors, your budget, uptime of the server, unlimited offers including bandwidth, storage, etc, and reputation of the company, particularly with regards to their back end support. You should shop online and dig well. By the way, some reputable web hosting company offers back-up, too.

  16. I'm very confuse about domain and web hosting.
    please any one help me.

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