June 9, 2012

I’m rockin’ the shot!

Rock the Shot is having a June photo challenge and the theme is DADS.  I couldn’t be more excited!  I had just taken about a million pictures of Livvy and the hubby on our vacation in Sarasota, FL.  I had the following shot in mind.  It fits the theme perfectly, although it would fit the theme LOVE as well.  I say this because I love the way she is looking at her daddy in this picture!  She is so in love with him and, as you probably guessed, him with her!  One of my favorite parts of vacation was watching them interact with each other!  I could watch them forever!


234 RSWM warm chai tea

My processing was quite simple.  The original came out pretty great and the lighting was almost perfect so I didn’t have to do much.  Personally I like my pictures to pop just a little more than I can achieve in camera so I boosted the contrast slightly so that I wouldn’t lose too much detail in the shadows.  I also added some warmth (which is a personal preference), sharpened her eyes, and used the spot healing brush on some black stitching on the back of my hubby’s shirt. 

- Recipe cooked up in PSE

Now back to you.  If you’d like to join in, feel free to visit their blog and link away!




As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. OHHHH! I LOVE this one. The way she's looking at her daddy is just priceless! You are ROCKN that camera mama. GEESH!!

  2. What a perfect shot
    for this theme! You did rock this ;)

  3. great shot! you definitely rocked it!! love it!! :)

  4. beautiful elena! what a great capture of expression. and your processing looks lovely.

  5. What an amazing shot!! She does love him.... soooo much! Just look at the way she's looking at him :-)

  6. I just popped across here after you commented on my blog and I'm now your newest subscriber. This photo is just gorgeous. I never tire of seeing daddies and their babies, it makes my heart melt. X
