June 1, 2012

The Missing Link – Week 8

As a special treat today I have asked LeiShell over at A Correll Collage to host this week’s The Missing Link for me since I would be on vacation. I thought it would be fun to have someone else compile a list of links they love for all of us to enjoy (including me)! For those who haven’t met LeiShell, she is a wife, mommy to a cutie pa-toot-y, and photography lover!  What can you find on her blog?  Good question.  You can find everything from writings about family, crafting, advice, and even personal struggles.  And what blog is complete without adorable pictures?  Don’t worry folks, she has that too!

Leishell blog header

Hi there!

I'm LeiShell (Layshelle) from A Correll Collage  and Elena has been kind enough to let me be a guest poster! How exciting, right?!

Since we share a lot of the same interests (blogging, photography, love for our babies) it seemed like a good fit!

I get to share some links that I've found this past week... so please enjoy and click away!

1. If you have Lightroom as an editing software...or even Photoshop...HERE is a great site for presets and FREE ones too! Like them on Facebook and you can get the inside scoop for the free ones.
2. Fabulous photo tips HERE about how to get out of Automatic on your DSLR and into the creative world of Manual...you'll never go back!
3.My favorite go to Photo BOOK...so easy to understand!

1. Great summer time dessert....Cheesecake Strawberries
2. Need some dinner ideas for boring old chicken? 50 Delicious Chicken Recipes
3. It's salad season...THIS one looks amazing!!!

Mommy Style
Let's face it...we just don't have a lot of time as mommies...So this is my favorite effortless style just for us:)

1. BRAID it!!!! Best way to get out of the house fast too!
2. MAXI DRESSES! They're long, summery and flattering on everyone!
3. My favorite makeup...especially for on the go! Bare Minerals

Caught my eye!
These were just some things that caught my eye this week...

1. Fun Things To Do With Your Kids
2. I am so making THESE Nutella Fudgsicles
3. Father's Day Ideas
4. Why didn't I think of this?!?!  Sun Burn Relief
5. Great Chore Chart for kids....

Thank you for visiting the links!

And I leave you with a little of me....







Okay, now what are you still doing here?  Take a hop on over to A Correll Collage and have yourself an AWESOME weekend!

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Thank you Elena for a great guest post! I appreciate the kind things you said:)

  2. Great photos. I really like the black and whites.

  3. Adorable photos! And those cheesecake strawberries sound delicious!

    Great post ;)
