May 31, 2012

What do all these buttons do?

I’m sure you are starting to figure out by now that I am a pretty BIG High Dynamic Range (HDR) fan! I’ve already had one HDR guest poster this week and this will be my second.  I seriously can’t remember who referred me to Deno’s website (my memory is horrible), but I’m so happy they did.  Since I’ve been referred, I’ve been on his website every day just looking around at all of his fancy High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography.  He can turn simple subject matter (things that you would never even think of photographing) into some serious kick a$$ art!  He rocks!  If you’d like to visit his website, you can find it at What do all these buttons do?  You’ve got to love his blog title too!

Denos blog header

I got my first camera about 9 months ago. A couple months later I discovered HDR, and was hooked right away. This is one of my early HDRs, and also one of my favorites. As I was taking this, I noticed someone else with their tripod set up not far away. I guess I wasn't the only one who ignored the "DO NOT CROSS TRACKS" sign.

Greensboro-Train-Depot-B W-HDR


As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. what an awesome picture! love everything about it!!

  2. your photo is great!! looks professional!!

  3. That is an amazing shot.
