May 2, 2012

New Pics… Why isn’t it working?

Okay, I’m seriously stumped.  I am writing this as a follow-up to my Issues with Posting post which you can find HERE if you haven’t already read it.  I received a comment from Sarah over at It’s on the tip of your tongue that she was using Windows Live Writer (WLW) and loved it so I thought I’d give it a try.  This very post, as I type it now, is being drafted in WLW.  Before this post, however, I tried a couple of tests.  Unfortunately when I hit that little ol’ publish button my posts were reformatted again.  Some of the reformatting included the removal of justified paragraphs and the insertion of additional spacing between paragraphs and pictures.  I just can’t seem to get away from that one!  It’s literally driving me MAD I tell ya!  I still would like to give a BIG thank you to Sarah and others that offered wonderful feedback, but I am really starting to wonder if it’s something in my own system.  Perhaps a glitch of some sort? 

Regardless, I feel the need to say that otherwise WLW is pretty freakin’ awesome!  It has way more flexibility than the Blogger interface and allows you to do many cool things without having to learn HTML or web coding.  After installing the software you will have the opportunity to link it to your blogging website via your username and password.  It’s amazing that when you open up WLW for the first time to draft a post that it is already preformatted to the width of your blogs posting column.  It also knows which font, font size, and colors that you use.  Can you say “cool?”  It’s just like MAGIC.  There are also a number of different plugins available too!  I’ve already downloaded the Insert Code and Insert Web Image plugins.  Did I mention all of these downloads were free too?  C’mon, you can’t go wrong.

And because I couldn’t leave you without some pictures, here are some new ones I just took.  Can you believe that these are my very first dandy lion shots?  I haven’t used actions in awhile so I thought I’d have a little fun and use some.  The ones you see below have all been purchased from Paint the Moon.  In case you are curious, I used the Peach Tea (for my Black & White), Passion Fruit Tea, and Warm Chai Tea.  I think they added just enough oomph to the shots to make them really pop!

079 RSWM

080 RSWM

I also wanted to link up the below picture to This or That Thursday over at Deb Duty.

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As a reminder, I just added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you like what you’ve read, please feel free to join my site!


  1. Pretty pics! Love the fence.
    I haven't tried that software. For now I'm plugging along with regular old blogger, but hope to move to wordpress one of these days.

  2. I'll have to look into that. I'm still using blogger. I need to change my blog, but it scares me to even think about it anymore.

  3. These are fabulous shots! I really love the dandelion. They are fun to capture. I'm on the lookout for one, but no luck yet!

  4. What a beautiful set of pictures! I love the dandelions at the beginning.

  5. Awesome photography ~ very creative ~ and informative post ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  6. love your shots! what a feast for the eyes.
    thanks so much for sharing and have a happy thursday!

  7. These are all beautiful shots! :0) Love the purple flower!
