May 3, 2012

New Pics… A reason to celebrate the overcast day

Alivia and I actually got out of the house yesterday regardless of the overcast, almost rainy, damp and chilly day.  We didn’t go far, just across the street to my mother’s house.  It was nice to get some air though especially after being stuck in the house for the past two days.  I could tell that Alivia needed to get out too!  We were both going a bit stir crazy.  Here’s a reason to celebrate the oh so gloomy overcast day!  It’s fantastic for taking pictures!  You don’t have to worry about harsh light, shadows, squinty eyes, etc.  As long as it’s not raining, you are good to go!  So get out there!

You could never tell from the pictures that this is Spring.  Alivia’s clothing and jacket paint an entirely different picture.  One day she is in a sleeveless sundress, the next day she is in pants and wearing a jacket. 

I took a series of 6 photos of Alivia walking with the intention of animating them in PSE.  I’m so glad I learned how to do this.  It’s so much fun seeing the end result.  I love watching her come to life!  So here is my GIF.  Fun right?


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I also wanted to link up the below picture to Joshua’s Photo Link Up over at Our Footprints on the World.

Some Quick Rules & Info
- We love little munchkins so they MUST be included somewhere in the picture.
- Only use photographs that you yourself have taken or have permission to use.
- Link up you post or photo and NOT your main blog URL.
- Be sure to visit a few of the other entries and 'like' you favourites.
- We would appreciate a link back to us using the button above or just a link.
- Entries open on Wednesday and close Monday night.
Thank You and most of all have FUN!

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If I could describe the next picture.  I’d have to go with NEON black & white.  It’s so bright.  I used an action but I’m not quite sold.  I don’t know, what do you think?

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Collage 050312

If you like the collage above, please feel free to take a look at my Freebies page HERE.

Also as a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar.  You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  If you like what you’ve read, please feel free to join the site.


  1. These are adorable! I need to learn to animate my photos. Very cool!

  2. Love your gif! So sweet! That little girl is just adorable, those big brown eyes! I don't know how you ever tell her no haha. :0)

  3. Gif animation clips are so much fun, I really must do them more ... Such gorgeous pictures huni, such long eye lashes they are sooo pretty!

    Thank you for linking up x x

  4. I love loves these. I am just learning how to shoot manual, so overcast sounds good. lol.

    Your daughter is a cutie!! :)

  5. These are so adorable!!! I soooo cherish overcast days. I have to say I am a bit jealous that she has to wear a jacket- must be great temps there.

  6. Love, love the GIF animation. I really need to play around with PSE and figure out how to use any of the functions! Editing is on my list of "to do" things to learn about. I really don't edit my photos at all. Ocassionally I will fix the exposure, tilt or crop but that's it. I love the catch light in a lot of these!

  7. Love the gif...and she is getting so big and more beautiful every day!
