May 15, 2012

New Pics… Whipped & Wimpy

It is a My days with Alivia have been getting more difficult.  She continues to be clingy but it worsens each day.  I noticed she was warm a couple of days last week so I took her temperature to find she had a fever.  Other than being a little more clingy than usual, she was showing no other signs of being sick.  I soaked it up to teething and gave her some Advil to reduce her fever and help with any pain that she may have been experiencing!  Since those fevers, she has been doing much better.  The clinginess, however, has not lessened.  Not that I really expected it to.  She has been wanting me to hold her 24/7.  If I don’t, God help me!  She usually has a temper tantrum complete with bright red cheeks, choking on her saliva, moping, drooling, and arms extended reaching out for mommy.  It’s horrible to watch. 

She had her first public meltdown this past weekend!  I don’t know if we are allowed back to The Cheesecake Factory.  I’ve never been so mad, sad, disappointed, mortified, and completely embarrassed all at the same time.  My hubby had to take her for a little walk just to calm her down.  When he came back to the table, Livvy started right in again.  She took one look at my face and started to cry all the while demanding to be held.  It’s as if she knows that I feel bad saying no to her.  It’s amazing the way she plays me!   We were lucky that it was loud in the restaurant and that her cries were muffled by the crowd!  The hubby and I had so many errands to get done that day that I had given into Alivia a few times just so that I didn’t have to listen to the crying.  God, the crying!  It will drive you crazy!  I walked the entire length of the mall with Alivia in my arms until they began burning and shaking.  Although it was a VERY productive day, I almost wished we just stayed home.

Right now, she is on my lap and will not sit alone!  I try not to feed into the tantrums but have been finding it very difficult!  Especially at feeding time.  If I don’t give in, she will get so worked up that she will not eat which makes me crazy.  I get worried when she is not eating enough. 

I have to work on not giving in to her.  When I do, I am just promoting her bad behavior and I really don’t want to do that!  I’ve always said that we will not raise BRATS in this house!  After speaking with my sister about this yesterday, she made a VERY good point.  Not that I would expect anything less from my sister.  She asked me how Alivia will ever learn to cope if I keep giving into her.  She’s so right.  I definitely want Alivia to be able to cope.  She should be able to figure out alternative ways to be happy when mommy is not holding her.  I am not always going to be physically there for her.  I want for her to be able to play and live independently, within reason of course.  

I can’t say it enough that I NEVER thought that I would be such a whipped and wimpy mother.  Before Alivia, I was one tough cookie!  I never thought in a million years that I’d be hesitant to discipline in fear of my child possibly thinking that mommy doesn’t love her!  Really?  I don’t want to be THAT mom!  It makes me sick to my stomach to think that I so easily could be.  The easiest way for me not to fall into the category of ‘mom’s trying to be their children’s friend and not their mother’ is to continuously be aware and realistic about how I approach these types of situations.  I will make a promise to myself to keep working on whatever is difficult for me all the while trying to remember that I’m doing it for her own good. 

Are you a whipped and wimpy mom like me?  Or are you shouting through your computer right now for me to grow some ba*#s!!!!  Either way, I’d love to hear what you think ;o)

Now, on a much calmer note, here are the rest of my pictures continued from yesterday.

These first couple shots are of my mom and step-dad.

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I love these next few pictures of my mommy!  She’s so pretty!

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I’m linking up the photo below to the Observing Beauty Photo Challenge over at Pulling my mask off.  The theme is green!

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Me and my fresh baby!

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I’m linking up the photo below to the Sweet Shot Tuesday Photo Challenge over at My 3 Boybarians.

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Sweet Shot Day 

As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site.   You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it.  Additionally, I  just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram!  Happy Navigating!


  1. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time with your little girl! I'm not a parent yet so can only offer sympathy. I have a little niece who is going through a bit of a moody patch too, so I'm sure these must be phases, hang in there! Oh and lovely photos, Alivia is adorable :) xo K

  2. Oh boy, good luck with the clingy phase. No use in fighting it.

  3. It can be terribly frustrating when you're not sure why your child is acting the way they are it a tantrum, are they sick...or are you just plain whooped and they know it? I think they are smart enough to know what we will resist and what we will give in to. I just try to remember that this too shall pass....and so much of their behavior is really just a phase...a right of passage if you will and it's all normal. The kids that never act out or there parents claim they don't...they're lying! When Eli acts out or feels really clingy...I give in because I think there must be a reason why. Almost always that little time I give him helps and I can move on to other things. But there have been times when he just tugs on me all day, really rough. Then I am more stern and tell him I can't and he needs to stop. I say follow your motherly instincts, because those are sure to lead you right! If you feel like giving in isn't spoiling her, then do it...if you are pretty sure she's taking advantage...toughen up to her! Either way all kids require that cuddle time...just like food and water!;)great pictures of your mom!

  4. oh i hope she feels better soon!

  5. Ahhh. Hope sweet baby girl is ALL better. EEEk... no snakes! Lol) Your mommy is BEAUTIFUL, no wonder you're so darn pretty! Lovely pics as always!

  6. Gorgeous pictures!

    I can relate to your post so much. Liam is such a cuddler he wants held constantly. He is only ten months right now so I'm not about to break him from it, but I can envision battles in our future.

  7. Oh no, I really hope your lil darling is better asap.. :(.. Apple fell close to the tree, your mommy is GORG!!! Love the B&W shot of you and the lil princess.. Amazing scenic shot as well.. Very lovely photo series you have here.. :)) I have to stop by more and indulge!! ;)).. Wishing you a BEAUTIFUL week.. xoxox.. M

  8. beautiful photos, and yes, your mom is gorgeous!

  9. Bless your heart!! I know it's just so hard to make that call. She will out grow it in time.

    She sure is cute.

  10. i hope she is getting better.... i love the new photos of mom and you with Alivia she looks gorgeous like her mom....

  11. I don't have any advice, since I'm not a mother yet myself, but I will be praying for you and Alivia.

    Your "Green" photo is beautiful. Thanks for linking up to Observing Beauty!

  12. Beautiful. You Mom is gorgeous and so are you! ;)

  13. I think months 12-18 are pretty notoriously clingy. You might want to look into an Ergo carrier. You can put her on your back and go about your daily routine during those really clingy moments. I've also heard that increased clingyness often means ear infection. It's worth considering. Good luck!

  14. Gorgeous shots but snakes....uuuhhh!!!

    Erika B

  15. such beautiful and wonderful photos!! your little girl is just adorable!!

  16. it really is a tough call to make isn't it? i was pretty tough with my daughter and i think she needed it---she's full of spunk. but my son is such a sweet soul and has had some health issues so i'm a lot wimpier when it comes to him. still struggling to find a balance too. good luck! and your photos of your mom are lovely--i need to get some of mine.
