May 16, 2012

New Pics… A Pigtail or Two

Guess what?  I finally made a button for this little ol’ blog o’ mine!  If you are interested in buttoning up, feel free to steal it!  You will see it in my sidebar.  The reason it took me so long to create one is because I wasn’t sure how to cropped storiesdo it.  I finally had some time to do some research online and found a tutorial.  I would have attached the link to the site, but the code provided was incorrect.  After many tweaks, I finally fixed it.  I’ll try to do a future post about creating buttons incase you do not know how to create one yourself. 
On a different note, I just tried the patch on Alivia’s eye yesterday.  It didn’t go as badly as I had pictured it in my mind.  I had this idea that if she saw mommy wearing it, she may want to wear it too!  I actually saw a hint of a smile when I first put it on.  She thought we were being pirates together.  I ran around the house saying “Ahoy mates!”  Yes, it was quite the sight!  She quickly realized it wasn’t that fun after all.  I struggled with her a bit to keep it on, but in the end she won.  She finally ripped it off.  I don’t want to force it too much.  I don’t want her relating the patch to fighting with mama.  I will introduce it slowly but persistently in hopes that she, at some point, will be a little more cooperative.  I’m supposed to be patching her eye for about 20 – 30 minutes a day.  Even if I can get it on for 5 minutes at a time, I will be happy.  In case you are a little lost, I wrote about Alivia’s Intermittent Exotropia in some previous posts which you can find HERE and HERE.
Now onto pictures and can you believe I still have more to process.  I’m excited to share these ‘cause it’s only Alivia’s second time sporting pigtails!  I just want to eat her up.  I know my mother and sister are especially going to love this post.  I also wanted to link up to the various Wordless Wednesdays.

029 RS more sharp and contrast

042 RSWM

069 RSWM Keep more contrast

074 RSWM

080 RSWM

081 RSWM

I’m linking up the photo below to Joshua’s Photo Link Up over at Our Footprints on the World.

095 RSWM Keep more contrast

 108 RSWM 
and<br /> then, she {snapped}


As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram!  Happy Navigating!


  1. Absolutely priceless!

  2. Super cute in her pigtails, lovely photos as usual huni x x x

  3. oh wow what a cute! such great pics!

  4. Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous girly. And what gorgeous little pig tails. Beautiful.
    I found you via the photo party at Our Footprints On The World. X

  5. Your button is so cute. Great job! Good luck with the patch. Hopefully she'll get used to it.

  6. Oh my...what a gorgeous child!! Beautiful pictures♥

  7. She is adorable! It is a big moment when baby girls sprout pigtails!

  8. I have little girl envy right about now - I love pig tails!

    I love reading your blog - and have nominated you for a fun award!

  9. Your little one is very cute!
