May 22, 2012

New Pics… Interested in being a guest poster?

So here is the scoop.  The family and I are taking a trip next week to Sarasota, FL where we will be staying in a very nice condo on the beach for a whopping 7 days!  We are looking forward to getting some much needed rest and relaxation.  Well as much rest and relaxation you can get with a toddler.  We are even more excited to take the little one to Disney World for the first time!  We can’t wait to see the expression on her face when she meets Mickey Mouse in person!  I hope to have some really great pictures to share with everyone next week! 
I do plan on posting next week and joining some photo challenges.  “Some” being the key word.  I usually join multiple photo challenges per day but next week I am limiting myself to one photo challenge per day.  And although I love reading everyone’s blog and usually visit on a daily basis, I am also limiting my blog reading while on vacation which means my comments may be few and far between.  I apologize now but I have to make time for the family on this vacation.  I have a secret though.  I really will miss reading your blogs while I am away.  Seriously, if it were up to me, I’d never take a bloggy break!   
In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone would like to be a guest poster on my blog?  If you are interested, please feel free to send me an email.  Just click on the Email Me button in my sidebar.  You would really be doing me a favor.  Since I don’t have many followers yet (my page view stats aren’t too shabby though), I can’t really say that posting on my blog would offer you much in return.  I would, however, be truly grateful! 
Anyhoo…  onto my Wordless Wednesday submissions.
On my way to check out my mother and sister-in-laws new house last week, I passed by several farms.  I’ve never driven along such a gorgeous route!  I almost got into a few accidents twisting my neck at the great photo opportunities that I kept passing by.  Not only farms and animals, but gorgeous barns, beautiful churches,  lovely houses, lush landscapes, even a very old vintage car that would have made a beautiful photo.  I had Alivia in the car sleeping so I didn’t get to capture a lot.  I did, however, pull the car over to snap some quick photos of some cows.  I was a little preoccupied with keeping my eye on the car (as Alivia was inside), but I managed to get the following shots. 
With this next shot, I was focused on the two cows that were standing up.  As I was processing it I happened to notice the two love birds on the left side.  So cute!  I really wish I had seen this when I was there; I would have gotten a closer shot! 
This next cow kept inching her way toward me every time she heard my shutter snap.  At one point I thought she was going to hop the rocks that were fencing her in.  It was a little scary.  Poor curious cow; I can’t take you home today.  I don’t have enough room in my car. 
And because sometimes it’s fun to have some randomness.  I took a picture of one of my make-up palettes.  I figured since I wasn’t using it, I could put it to use in other ways.  Thought it would make for a very bright, colorful, and fun photo.
Oh and my step-dad snapped this photo with his iPhone.  Livvy in Nana’s hat!  We always make fun of my mom because she has such a small head, but now it’s really been confirmed!  This hat wasn’t all that big for Livvy and she’s a peanut.  I can’t believe how big she looks here!  Where did my baby go?
and<br /> then, she {snapped}

I’m linking up the photo below to Joshua’s Photo Link Up and You Capture over at Our Footprints on the World and I Should be Folding Laundry.  It’s one of my favorites of the week so far! 



As a reminder, I recently added the Google Friend Connect gadget to my sidebar for those interested in joining the site. You just have to scroll down the page a little to see it. Additionally, I just published a Contact Me page to the tabs below my blog header where you can either email me or follow me on Facebook, PInterest, and/or Instagram! Happy Navigating!


  1. Love that makeup pallet shot- that looks like MAC colors - so pretty!
    And such pretty cows! Cows always looks so interesting in photos - like they are thinking thoughts about you! Haha!

  2. AW! Gonna miss you my new friend. You are just such a sweet talented mama, so glad we met! I'm not sure if you would even want me... or what in the heck I would exactly "write" about... but I's LOVE to guest post for you!

    OMGoodness. The cow pics are crazy cute! LOVE the LOVE birds)

    Have the best time on your vacation, can't wait to see the Alivia & Mickey pics when you get back!!

  3. you're on top of it! i've never been so on top of my own blog to organize guest posters... maybe i should do that before baby #2 comes! have fun with the fam!

  4. Don't you love discovering something in your photo that you don't realize was happening when you took it? Love the kissing cows!

    The makeup palette - love the vivid colors!

  5. Love the first black and white cow picture, great composition!

  6. Great shots. I really like the shot of the cow from behind the rocks, and your daughter on the stairs.

  7. Great pictures. I'll guest post for you!

  8. I adore cows, they are sooo sweet! Such cute shots!

  9. She looks so funky with the glasses!

  10. What a glamerous little girl totally gorgeous, takes after her mummy obviously ;)
    Love the iPhone snap aswell, super cute. x x

  11. Oh my word, I could just see my husbands face if I told him I need one more kitchen appliance♥ But these are adorable!
